Chapter 14

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"Coming!!" I yelled, running towards the front door. Someone had rung the doorbell.

I turned the knob and swung the door open, suprisingly seeing Claude standing there.

"H-Hey." I said. I had always been terrified of him, something about him just made me feel really scared.

"We need to talk." He said seriously; and by seriously, I mean more serious than usual.

"Okay.." I said, slightly puzzled. He simply walked past me into my house, while I mumbled to myself and closed the front door.

Wow, sure Claude, you can come in, I don't mind at all; it's not like you had to ask or anything.


I turned around and walked into the lounge room where Claude was standing, staring at me.

"Alois is a fake." He said.

"In what way?" I asked.

"In a way that... May hurt your feelings." He replied.

"How? What is it?" I asked, eyeing him suspiciously. What would hurt me?

"You may wanna sit down." He said. I kept staring at him suspiciously as I slowly sat down on the couch.

"Alois Trancy is in fact a murderer and a mentally challenged nutjob. He has no proof to prove his innocence, because of the simple reason being he doesn't have any. He did everything the description said, and was only trying to be your friend so you would prove his non existant innocence. After you did that, he was planning to kill you too." Claude explained.

I froze, starting to feel sick.

Alois was... what?

"T-That's not true..." I said quietly.

"I had a feeling you would be in denial." Claude sighed, pushing his glasses higher on the bridge of his nose. "I know exactly what happened that night, I'm not lying." He paused for a few seconds before continuing to explain.

"Alois has severe mental problems, so when his brother died in a fire with an unknown cause, he claimed that Mr Nickleson started it. The Nickleson family has always held a grudge with Alois and his family, but theres no proof to suggest they started the fire, and noone believes they did, including myself; but Alois was convinced that they did it. One night, he tried to sneak out of the house, grabbing a lighter and a matchbox, thinking I was asleep, but I wasn't. I snuck out and followed him

He walked down the street towards the Nicklesons property. It was at least 1am at the time. Alois approached the Nickleson's household, and in the light of the house I could see his insane grin as he smashed through the side window. I knew I couldn't stop him because if I tried he probably would've killed me too. It was selfish I know. I called the police and in the meantime, Alois set the kitchen on fire. Toby walked downstairs and I couldn't bare to watch after Alois grabbed him. After a minute or two, I peeked back through the window to see the boy was being strangled with his own trousers, then Alois hit him over the head with a cookbook, laughing manically. He grabbed Mrs Nickleson's phone and was about to steal some other things, but the sound of police sirens got closer.

He grabbed some spare change sitting on the coffee table before jumping out the window and attempting to flee the scene. Luckily, the police caught him and it was over. Since then, Alois has been trying to prove his innocence, although it was obvious he was guilty. He was about to lose hope when you came along. He knew that he could manipulate you into thinking that you were both the same, being the same age and all. His plan was to become friends with you so you wouldn't be able to bear letting him go and when you won the case, he would kill you. He told me to keep it a secret but I just thought it would be best to tell you before it's too late."

Truth Be Told (Cielois ~ Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now