Chapter 11

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I danced around my room to the beat of the blaring music coming from my speakers as I tidied up my room and hung up the new clothes Alois bought me. I hummed along and smiled to myself, thinking about how cool the concert was going to be in two days. I had gotten really hyped up for it, researching the band and downloading all their songs, memorising all the lyrics and even printing out pictures. Stardom was now my favourite band and basically my life.

As I was hanging up some clothes and singing quietly with the song, I heard a tap at my window. I turned around and saw no one at the window, but I knew I had heard something. I turned down the music and went to the window, opening it and looking down below. At the exact moment a pebble hit me in the foreheard.

"Oops! Sorry Ciel!!" I looked below and saw Lizzy standing there.


"It's alright." I said, rubbing my forehead. "What's wrong?"

"Can I come in? I wanna talk to you!" She smiled.

"Sure, give me a second." I said, trying not to sigh. I turned off my music and walked downstairs, opening the door and getting tackled by Lizzy.

"Hi~! I haven't talked to you in ages!!" She huffed.

"I saw you last week." I mumbled.

"I know, it just feels longer, you know?" She sighed. "So what are you up to?"

"Nothing." I rubbed the back of my neck. It felt awkward that I didn't know what to say. "D-Do you want a drink or something?" I asked.

"I'm alright, thanks." She smiled, then continued to walk upstairs to my bedroom.

"H-Hey, where are you-"

"Oh my goodness what happened in here!" Lizzy gasped as she reached my bedroom doorway. "Your room is usually so neat and tidy but now it looks like a bomb went off!"

"I'm going through my clothes..." I said quietly.

"Hi, Namira baby!!" Lizzy squealed, jumping on my bed and squeezing my dog to death. Namira didn't even like Lizzy that much; you could tell by the annoyed look she had in her eyes. "Why are you going through your clothes?" Lizzy asked.

"Some of them don't fit me anymore." I lied.

Lizzy looked in the corner of the room where I had left all the shopping bags. "Wow, Ciel. You sure did do alot of shopping." She exclaimed.

"Yeah." I chuckled nervously, continuing to hang up clothes.


I turned around and saw Lizzy had somehow within a split second gotten on the floor and was looking at the receipts from the clothing. My face went red and I looked away.

"I-I didn't buy them..." I admitted.

"YOU STOLE THEM!?" She screamed.

"WHAT!? NO!!" I yelled back, hoping the neighbours wouldn't hear.

"Who bought them for you th-" She started but then her face froze. She studied my face for a moment before smirking. "Alois bought them didn't he?"

"S-So what if he did!?" I growled, turning around and hanging more clothes up.

"You like him~!" Lizzy giggled.

"How did you even get to a conclusion like that!?" I barked, turning around to face her.

"Aw, cmon Ciel. You've turned soft now, admit it!"

"What do you mean I've gone soft?" I growled.

Truth Be Told (Cielois ~ Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now