Chapter 24 (FINISHHSHS)

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Ciel's POV (read a.n. at end pls)

"Look, deal with it yourself, it's your damn case!" I growled, hanging up the phone and sighing. Why were all my employees so damn useless? Is this the type of shit Sebastian had to deal with every damn day? How the hell was he so calm and collected!?

"Who was it this time?" Alois chuckled, walking through the doorway of the bedroom holding two ferrets. I smiled and held out my arms as he passed me Clyde, my one.

After the court case and after Alois woke up, we started to live our normal lives. I went back to work and Alois went back to annoying the shit of me, but in a good way. It was pretty cool when I was in a shit mood and I got a text from him. My mood would instantly lift. After a few months of going out we finally decided to move in together. There was a few complications though. Alois wanted me to move in with him, but that would mean Claude would be there. I hadn't completely forgiven him, and not only that, Alois and I were moving in together as a couple, not a trio.


We couldn't move into my place either because Alois believed it was unfair that he was leaving his home and I wasn't leaving mine. It might have sounded a bit stupid but to be honest I thought it was fair. He would be making sacrafices and I wouldn't, it wouldn't be fair.

Then there was the problem of our pets. I had Namira which Alois was allergic to, and Alois had Cleo which I was allergic to. After Claude and Alois became friends again, Claude bought him a kitten. I didn't even know but apparently Alois loves cats. This cat was black with white feet and a white patch around its eye. He wanted to called it Socks because of the white feet but I told him that was a stupid name so he came up with Cleo instead.

But in the end Alois ended up buying a pretty big house for us. It wasn't a mansion, but it was pretty huge with a nice pool too, and it was super expensive. I told him not to since we were just dating and weren't married or anything, there wasn't any garuntee our relationship would last but...

"Do you want it to last?" He asked me.

"W-Well... Of course I do but-" I stuttered.

"Well so do I. I'll never leave you, so as long as you don't leave me, we will be fine. Not only that but-" He explained.

"You're rich, yes I get it." I chuckled and rolled my eyes as I pulled him towards me by his waist.

"I really do love you Ciel." He pouted.

"I love you too." I whispered, kissing him.

The house was amazing. Three bedrooms, huge backyard, it was great. Namira and Cleo became outdoor pets so we wouldn't have sneezing fits 24/7, and Alois recently bought us two ferrets which we named Bonnie and Clyde. They were little love birds too sometimes.

Anyway, back to reality.

"John has no idea what he's doing." I rolled my eyes, petting Clyde.

"Fire him." Alois shrugged.

"I can't fire everyone that makes a mistake." I sighed. "After all I was a pretty shitty casual myself."

"Really? The great Ciel was once a fuck up too?" Alois laughed, sitting next to me.

"Shutup, I was young and had no idea what I was doing."

"You still are young." He said.

"Younger." I replied.

"So what did younger Ciel do?" Alois asked.

"He didn't show up on his first day of work because he forgot about it, he accidently deleted an entire case file and somehow stapled his own hand, all in the first week." I smiled.

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