Chapter 22 (court pt 3/end)

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Alois' POV (aw yeee)

"So about my clients being drugged? What the hell did you do!?" Trevor yelled in my direction

I stood up confidently. "I didn't do anything. Those two took drugs."

"Why would I have taken drugs with a child in the house unless it's for medical purposes!?" Michael shouted.

"I don't know. You tell me." I shrugged. Looking at Ciel in the corner of my eye I noticed he looked completely confused. I smirked.

"Where's your proof kid?" Trevor shot.

"Well... When my dad was alive, sometimes he would... spy on you guys." I admitted. "And obviously we had to follow him. We saw you guys before Toby was born and you smoked weed almost every day-"

"Okay, it we did it once and that was before Toby was born-" Michael scoffed.

"You didn't let me finish." I interrupted his interruption. "When my dad died, my brother and I continued to spy on you a little... It was a kind of like tradition we did with our dad, and we decided to continue it. Sorry. Anyway, even after my brother died and your son was born, I continued to spy (still as a tradition) and every night after Toby went to bed at 8 o'clock, you guys would still light your stupid bongs out on your back verandah. That night the fire happened, Claude and I were driving past your house at around 8pm-ish so I told him to stop outside your house for a moment. I didn't even have to step out of the car, I could smell the smoke a mile away." I raised an eyebrow.

"You spyed on us!? That's outragous!!" Michael yelled.

"Hey," Ciel butted in. "Don't change the subject."

"I-I'm not! He just told us he was spying on us for years-"

"You are. Were you or were you not drugged on the night of the incident?" Ciel asked. I stood by his side smirking.

"W-Well..." Michael stuttered. "I-I don't remember. Do you, honey?" He cowardly asked Jane.

"We were." She nodded. Michael glared at her.

"Well that was blunt." Ciel said.

"Well it's not like we can really lie, especially since Michael is terrible at lying." Jane shrugged. "He practically gave it away anyway."

"True." Ciel replied.

"Did not!" Michael whined.

"I'll take it from here." She stood up and crossed her arms. Michael sat down and stared at her, almost with fear. "Look kid, you've been telling the story and asking the questions, I think it's time we gave our side; the truth." She growled at Ciel.

"Go ahead." He smiled, challenging the woman. God, he was hot.

"This started years before you, Luca and Toby were born." Jane started, looking at me. "As Michael said before, him and Kain had a fight which caused Michael wanting revenge. At first I thought his actions were ridiculous, but I learned to live with it. After Kain died, Michael started targetting you and your brother. I thought it was disgusting and obsessive to go after his enemy's children, so we often fought. He would never shutup about you guys to the point where I almost divorced him a few times. Luckily, my only friend Chelsea was there to rant to." She smiled.

"After a while of him basically bullying you young men, I learned to ignore it. I wasn't going to let some stupid grudge ruin my love life, it wasn't fair. About two weeks before the incident, Michael and I had a huge fight. He had only just told me about the fire, and-"

"Jane." Michael growled.

"He admitted to me that he did in fact kill Luca Trancy." Jane ignored his husband.

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