Chapter 3

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i wrote this at 1am k


I laid in bed with my arms out wide, staring at the ceiling. I didn't know why but it was feeling like one of those days. You know the days where everything just sucks shit and you feel like you're in a mood where you just want to fall off the face of the earth and die so you don't have to deal with anyone's shit? Well, this morning I was feeling like that.

I groaned loudly and turned to the side, looking at my bedroom door. Luckily today was a saturday and I had a day off, so I wouldn't have to deal with Alois. God, he was annoying. Why do I have to become friends with my own client? He's probably doing this for an advantage. He thinks that if I become friends with him I'll believe every little word he says, but I'm smarter than that. I won't fall for his stupid tricks.

My bedroom door slowly creaked open slightly and I looked down to see my miniature husky's head pop out the side. I smiled. She could always make me happy.

"Yes, Namira?" I said as her face lit up and she ran inside my room, jumping on my bed and licking my face to death. I laughed and hugged her. "What do you want, huh?" I looked into her eyes and pouted. She cocked her head to the side and whimpered. I pet her and then let her run off as I got out of bed. I was allergic to cats, but loved dogs. Namira was a gift from Lizzy's parents when my stepfather died, and is probably the only reason I'm still (sorta) friends with Lizzy.

I got dressed in a plain white t-shirt, a grey jumper, black skinny jeans and my old joggers, deciding to go to the shops. I'm pretty sure I had no food, and I was starving. I walked outside and down the road to the nearest shops. It was a chilly day, but I wasn't too cold.

I walked into the small centre, welcomed by the heat coming from several shops heaters. I sighed to myself and walked towards the supermarket. I grabbed a basket and started walking through the shops. There was alot of people considering it was an early saturday morning. I remembered I desperately needed bread, it being two weeks since I last bought it. I was forever forgetting that I used it more than I thought I did. As I picked up a loaf from the a shelf, I heard yelling from the other side of the shelf and a large bang which caused a few loaves of bread to fall onto the floor. I furrowed my eyebrows, and mumbled to myself as I picked the loaves off the floor. People are so annoying sometimes.

The yelling continued, which seemed to sound like two little girls fighting over something I couldn't hear and didn't care about. I walked down the same aisle towards the front of the shops. I didn't want to get caught in anymore trouble this morning; I wasn't in the mood to deal with it.

Suddenly, I heard loud and annoying laughter from the same place the yelling had came from. Didn't these people have any consideration for other customers? Or if they were someones kids the parents should control them. I turned the corner at the end of the aisle and walked past the aisle where the laughter was coming from. I snuck a glance and saw my worst nightmare.

The two most annoying people in te world just happened to be standing there.

I tried to walk away quickly but it was too late. Lizzy could probably sniff me out a mile away. She cocked her head in my direction and gasped loudly.

"CIELLLL!!" She screamed, running towards me and almost tackling me to the floor. How could this day get any worse?

Then I remembered the other annoying blonde standing behind her.

"You guys know eachother?" Alois said surprisingly.

"Yeah! This is-" Lizzy turned me to face him.

"Ciel Phantomhive. Yeah I know." Alois grinned at me while I just growled.

Lizzy gasped, inhaling in the most annoying and high pitched way I had ever heard which made me cringe. "YOU GUYS KNOW EACHOTHER!? THAT'S AMAZING!!" She squealed. I slapped my hand over her mouth and groaned.

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