Chapter 4

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I knocked on the large door infront of me, standing back. I needed to find out what was happening. Alois hadn't contacted me for five days, and that's pretty annoying, especially when he's the client you need to be working with. How am I supposed to work if I have nothing to work with?

The door swung open, allowing me to see Claude standing in the doorframe. "Good morning, Ciel. How can I help you?" Claude said in a bored tone.

"Can I see Alois?" I asked hesitantly.

"Sure." He allowed me inside, closing the door behind me. "But to warn you, Alois hasn't been well the last few days." He said, leading me through the halls and up the stairs.

"Does he have the flu or something?" I asked.

"No. You see... Alois' antidepressant prescription was discontinued two weeks ago. He seemed to be going fine without them but the other day he came home and wouldn't talk to me. It just reminded me of something that has previously happened, so I called the doctor. He's back on the tablets now, and should be completely back to normal soon." Claude explained.

"Why does he take antidepressants? And what previously happened?" I questioned, feeling a mixture of being worried and being scared that he is more of a physco than I thought he was.

"I'm sure Alois would like to keep that secret from you until he feels it's time to tell." Claude smiled, approaching a door and knocking. "Alois, Ciel is here to see you." He said. There was no reply.

Claude opened the door slowly and walked in, ushering me inside. He closed the door and walked over to Alois' bed, where Alois was sitting up in a white nightshirt, looking down at the quilt covers in silence.

I slowly approached the side of his bed. "Alois, are you okay?" I asked, standing awkwardly next to the bed. There was no reply. He did not even make a single movement. I bent over and tried to look at his face, but his hair covered it. I stood back up straight and looked at Claude. He nodded before leaving the room. I looked back at Alois who was still sitting there sadly. I looked at the other side of the room and saw a chair. I grabbed it and dragged it next to Alois' bed before sitting down. I sat there for a few seconds in silence, then let out a deep breath.

"You know, Alois, we may not quite be friends yet but- Well..." I stuttered slightly. I looked at him and sighed. "The other day, Lizzy told me you were a great guy and she really liked you. She said that you seemed a bit troubled though, and she thought that you and I were going to become really close friends one day. She said we could help each other with our problems. We aren't close yet but... I believe we are similar Alois. And I'm just saying that... If you have a problem, I'm willing to listen to it and help you, as a... Growing friend." I smiled, even though he couldn't see it.

Half of it was true. I did think we were kind of similar. He seemed like he had a troublesome past, as did I. I did want to become closer with him, but mostly only for clues for the case. I don't think I could ever become friends with an annoying psychopath, no matter how similar we may have been. Then again, maybe if he was innocent then I might consider staying friends with him... I guess I'll just have to see how it goes.

There was still silence for a whole minute. Not only was I starting to feel awkward, but I was also feeling a bit embarrassed that I had just said that whole speech and gotten no reaction.

"You may not want to talk but trust me, it-" I sighed.

"My brother was murdered." I heard Alois mumble.

"W-What?" I asked, suprised.

"I assume Claude told you a brief description." Alois whispered, sitting upright and glancing at me. "I used to take antidepressants when my brother, Luca died around 2 years ago. I stopped taking them two weeks ago, thinking I was fine, and for a while I was. Then the other day I had a dream about Luca, that's why I was weird at the shops and at the picnic that day..." He explained quietly. "I guess I wasn't fine without them."

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