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I had a hard time sleeping and even more so because of last night's events in the hot tub with Royce. The prick let soon after giving me the best orgasms I've ever had in my life. I shouldn't be as upset as I am right now and should've known better. After all, I came onto him first. He just complied.

I recall what he said as I wallowed in a pool of insomnia and depressive sweat.

After Royce brought me through the end of my high, I settled beside him as we sat in silence. He didn't say anything either and stared off into the distance. I snuck glances at him in curiosity.


I shook my head, slumping down against the wall of the tub. The warm water comforted my inner turmoil that turned in my stomach. I just let a man I barely know finger fuck me in his hot tub. Check that off my nonexistent sexual bucket list. I was too embarrassed to look him in the eye, but he took hold of my wrist before I could consider leaving quickly. This time in the eye, I look back at him and attempt to look unfazed.

"This was a mistake," he said, honey eyes cold and unwavering.

I kept calm and yanked my wrist from his grip, staring him down. "You're right."

I let out a huff into the calm silence of my room, proceeding to smack my head repeatedly. "Stupid. Stupid. Stupid," I say, turning my head into the pillow to scream. "I should start going back to church."

Yeah right.

After an hour of getting myself together, I caught a whiff of blueberry muffins. I inhale deeply and moan a quiet hum of satisfaction at the smell taking over the house, my mouth watering. I wait no longer and head straighter for the kitchen after taking my medicine to find Kim in front of the oven pulling out a fresh tray of muffins.

"Good morning Mia Bella! You're just in time for breakfast. Sit, sit," Kim greets me warmly while holding a muffin tin adorned in the typical housemaid apron and a puffy light blue sundress. Sitting at the kitchen island, I smiled back and mumbled a good morning. "How did you learn to cook, Kim? Your food is always beyond delicious," I compliment.

She laughs bashfully. "From recipes passed down through the wives of my family. My mother was obsessed with baking and taught me everything I know. Although, it doesn't take a genius to make basic blueberry muffins," she says with a wink, handing me a muffin on a small plate.

I admire the sugar crystals on top of the steaming sugary goodness and take a generous bite, doing a small happy dance in my chair. "I beg to differ. These are amazing!" I say with a mouthful of muffin. "You should have a cafè or something."

"Oh, that would be a dream, but I have a duty to serve the King's family." Kim sighs dreamily, her pepper hair moving as she moves around the kitchen.

Satisfying my hunger, I peer at Kim from over the counter. "Have you thought of-I don't know, not working for Royce? I mean, if the opportunity presented itself, would you leave?"

She contemplated the idea with a thoughtful expression but shook her head, smiling gently as if reminiscing something special. "I wouldn't trade this job for the world. I get to do what I love for the family I've created. After all, I am Royce's aunty." She chuckles.

I blanched at her with wide eyes. "Wait, you're Royces' Aunt?! I thought you were just-the housekeeper or something."

She nods. "Few people know. Royce likes to keep it that way, for my safety, especially after what happened to his mother, my sister." She sounded dejected, a flash of pain fleeting across her glazed-over eyes.

"What happened to her? If you don't mind me asking," I ask hesitantly.

She gazed at me with a glint before releasing a sigh. "My sister and I were maids for the King family since we were young adults. Our family had been serving the Kings for generations, as you know. My sister and I were total opposites. She was loud, rowdy, and adventurous. She felt as though she had no purpose and wanted to leave. But, Shaw King, Royces' father, had feelings for her and didn't want to let her go. I tried to warn her off and keep her away because the house rule was that no one may permanently lay with any of the family unless....asked otherwise," Kim explained. I scoffed at the last part, to which she half-smiled in return.

"My sister practically despised Shaw, but she soon fell for him just as hard as he did for her; they were in love. They continued their relations in secret for a few years until one of Shaws' past hookups, also a maid, caught them in the act. She snitched, and all hell broke loose. Aye, Clara. My sister was so beautiful even in death," she murmured.

I nibbled on my lower lip in anticipation, my heart lurching with sadness. "How did she die?" I ask after a moment of silence.

A few heartbeats later and she mumbles in a hushed tone, her eyes widened with paranoia, "I-I killed her."

I jump from my seat, but she holds out her hand in protest. My chest started to hurt. "You don't understand; I didn't have a choice!" She whisper-shouted. I stop, narrowing my stare and waiting for her response. I've always told myself it doesn't matter what someone looks like or how old they are. Everyone has the potential to be or become a killer: exhibit A, Dorothea Puente. An older woman killed the people she housed in her home, stole their money, and buried them in her backyard. Gotta love the elderly, am I right?

Kim rubbed her temple. "I don't even know why I'm telling you this, but I had received an anonymous letter stating that if I didn't rid of my sister, they would kill Royce. Royce had only been a young boy and was kept secret, and sheltered away. I felt guilty for him and my sister because she was forced to isolate herself. I would hear her cry when she thought no one was listening. She was miserable."

"You don't know who sent you the letter? I accuse warily, crossing my arms.

Kim shook her head. "No, the only one who knew of Royce was Shaw, Clara, and myself. Our parents were long dead so that wasn't an issue. I got the note randomly one day after visiting my sister and Royce in the basement, where they resided."

A thought crosses my mind. Royce told me not to go anywhere near the basement and said to keep out-maybe, no. I look towards her. "So you think someone followed you?" I watch as she hastily finishes displaying the muffins on a three-tiered platter. Pinpointing her change in body language.

"Possibly. It could be the only explanation for why someone would threaten me with Royce. I loved my sister, and I love Royce. I treat him as if he was my own son. I would give anything to have his mother still present with us, but I had to choose, and I know if Clara were here, she would've chosen the same," Kim whispers brokenly.

I couldn't help the tears that coated my eyes, but I didn't let them fall. "Did she know?"

She gazed at me before nodding her head silently, attempting to hold her composure by squaring her shoulders and pursing her lips. "Does Royce know?"

Kim froze, staring at me, eyes wide, before walking out of the kitchen. And that's all I needed to know. This family was built on blood.

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