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"She's stable for now. I'll have her take new medicine to help with the pain and any episodes she might experience," Sophie says gently. Her tall thin figure loomed over Lily as she slept peacefully like the grim reaper. Lilys' skin had lightened considerably fast because of the poison, no longer its beautifully rich brown tone.

Lily wasn't part of the deal, to some extent, but I'd seen the fire in her eyes when Xavier had threatened her. She gave me mixed emotions. Made me feels things that weren't there before. One minute she was this flustered little lamb, and the next, a fiery storm.

Kim sniffled. "Poor child, it's my fault. If I had known that the tea was tampered with."

"Don't blame yourself," I cut her off, mild anger swirling in my chest.

She sighs dishearted, her gaze growing sadder while gazing at Lily's pale, limp form. I turn to Sophie. "How long will she be under?"

Her expression was grim. "It's hard to say. Her body has been put through a lot of stress the past few weeks, and the poison only enhanced her body's willingness to shut down," she explains while checking her IV. "Once I get some fluids in her to flush out her system, she'll be okay. All she needs is vitamins and lots of rest."

I didn't respond, my jaw ticking as I shifted my gaze to Kimberly's slumped figure beside Lily. "Kimberly, who exactly made the tea." The word left a bitter taste in my throat as I gave her a questioning stare.

She craned her neck up at me, furrowing her brows. "No one, it was just me. Although, I did leave the cup to cool down for a minute while I cooked the soup before bringing it," she rushed out panicky.

I narrow my eyes, slightly confused as to why she became defensive. I'll have to up the security and have Axel patrol the gates with the dogs again. Dammit, this is getting out of hand. I must assume there's a rat in the house, a bloody rat that I intend to kill. Kimberly returned my worried stare before turning her back to me. I'll have to keep an eye on everything, especially her.

Without another word, I head out the door and get Axel on the line. "Axel, I need you to meet me at Xavier's place."

"What's wrong, Hermano?"

I open the garage and get into my black Mercedes. "We're gonna raid this fuckers house," I grit through the phone, jerking the car into gear and tearing down the street. "Lily got poisoned, and I think the motherfucker might have planted a rat."

"On my way."


The house wasn't so big and sat on a corner of a semi-busy street. There weren't many neighbors or people walking around either, so I didn't worry about causing a scene or making a ruckus, and even if I did, everyone would be deaf to it because this city belonged to me.

I wait for Axel to hack the keypad code on the gate as I cocked my pistol. Axel is a fucking genius. I found him one day at a bar and openly watched as he pick-pocketed every man in there like it was nothing; following him, I watched him cash in the money at a bank, and when I caught up to him, I offered him a job. Come to find out; he's a skilled hacker who's hacked many of my enemies for information. He's been my second-hand man ever since.

After he successfully unlocked the gate, I tell everyone to split up, Axel following me as kick the door down. After a few minutes of searching, there was no sign of the bastard until Axel got my attention. He tilted his head toward a solid door. I cautiously walk up and nudge it open, greeted by cold air and a staircase. The air smelt of lavender and sweat, causing me to wrinkle my nose as it reminded me of her. I shook my head as she consumed my thoughts. Focus.

I crept down the stairs with my gun raised, and what I saw shocked me. It was a minimal-sized room with no windows or spare doors and various toys tossed on the ground. As we got close, I heard moans, and I furrowed my brows, looking back at Axel, who began to look wary. When I looked at the ground leading in the same direction, my frown deepened. Used syringes.

When the moans got closer, I snarled aloud at the sight before me. A camera faced a large bed, velvet sheets, and pillows, and in the middle of it was Xavier flushing himself in and out of a woman. It looked like a typical BDSM lovers scenario, but the problem was the women. She was silent compared to him, and when I stared closer, her eyes were severely glazed over, and tears ran down her puffy red cheeks.

"That's it, baby. Take it," Xavier moans out, and I wince disgustingly.

The sick fuck had drugged her and was using her like a cock sleeve.

I didn't wait a moment later and shot him in the shoulder twice, not wanting to risk hurting the woman. He screamed in pain and fell away from the woman while clutching his shoulder.

"I'll handle him. You grab her and get out of here. Go!"

Axel rushed to grab the woman, covered her in a blanket, and whisked her back upstairs. I shot out my hand and fist his shirt. My blood was beyond boiling. His head lulled for a second, deranged, before setting his sights on my face. The fucker had the nerve to give me a wide grin and a chuckle.

"Came back for seconds? I was almost done with her if you want her to," he says.

My fist cuts across his cheek, breaking his nose. "Dammi una ragione per cui non dovrei ucciderti, fottuto bastardo!" I repeatedly punched him until he was bloody.

"Cazzo! Just fucking kill me, do it!" He whimpered like a little bitch, and I couldn't hold in the malicious chuckle that rumbled from my chest. I strike him again, loving how his blood spilled to the floor.

"Oh no, Xavier, I'm not finished with you yet. Not even close. I'm not going to be the one to handle you," I taunt as he continues to struggle weakly in my arms. "Lily will," I say enthusiastically with a dimpling sneer before knocking him out cold and dragging him back to the car by his arms.

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