Alys Story

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Most of my babysitters were always my younger sister or brothers friends. My mom figured that worked as these kids knew I was in diapers and how to change me ect ect.

So the fact I was older but smaller then them was embarrassing but when it came to changing my diapers….. I think the most embarrassing was a summer when I was 16 and my babysitter took me to the park to feed the ducks and play with other little kids. While there I ran into a boy that lived down the road that was much younger but one of my “friends”. I played with him while my babysitter talked to his mom. The mother knew all about me and my need to be diapered but about half hour after playing the babysitter told he “just a minute , I need to check the babies diaper”, with that he found I had pooped my diaper and brought me back to change me. The mother didn’t mind and watched this boy changing my diaper and cleaning my bottom like an adult. While he was sliding the new diaper under me she asked how old he was and he told her he was 12 years old. I was laying there as he taped the diaper on and pulled my shorts back up and she looked simply amazed as her eyes opened in shock. she knew how old I was but I guess the fact that this 12 yr old was changing a dirty diaper on a 16 yr old girl was super embarrassing to me, specially since i had messed my diaper and it wasn’t just wet.

I had had my diaper changed many time by this kid but never in front of an adult who was so amazed how young he was since I was still more of a baby then he was.

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