Aryannas Story

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  I wasn't wearing a diaper and I was hanging out with my friends walking around town and I was having the runs that day and I ended up sharting all over myself it ran down my leg in my shoe my underwear were completely gross with poop I ran home luckily no one was home so I took off all my clothes and took a shower the other time was when I was at my friend's house and she was coming home an I totally shitt my diaper but even ran down my leg onto her floor I even ruined my new t-shirt I quickly jumped in her shower grab a garbage bag through all my stuff in there through my diaper in another bag and threw it in the outside trash can and when he came home he asked what that brown spot was on the carpet I told her that I accidentally stepped in dog poop and walk on her carpet then there was one time where my friend and his sister knew that I wore Diapers at the time and one of their kids farted and I accidentally pooped and I told them it was one of the kids and my friend said he didn't believe me so he even wait until his sister left the room and told me if he doesn't check me an if I lie to her about having an accident I'm not allowed to come back for 2 days so I not only had to let her check to see if I was poopy but I had to tell him and his sister in front of everyone there's just hi. and sister and the kids that I was sorry and that I did have a poopy accident then the friend that checked me said that she checked an she is wearing a poopy diaper an then the sister smelt it and I got changed well there was this one time where I couldn't poop for a two weeks straight and my whole back my stomach it hurt badly I couldn't sit down without my back hurting I even took Mucinex and I started pooping blood I went to the emergency room and they said just let it run its course that was actually the day that I started to wear diapers full time because after that happened I end up having the runs.

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