James Story Pt.1

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James was with his mom and his two younger siblings, Kelly and Kelson. Kelly and Kelson were 2, and still wearing diapers but we're on the verge if starting to potty train soon. James mom was in the kitchen cooking dinner while James sat with his siblings on the couch watching TV.

Their mom walked in to check up on them and picked up on an all too familiar scent.

"Uh oh, which one of my babies made a mess." She walked over to them all.

Kelly and Kelson stood up. She pulled back Kelly's waistband first only to see nothing, she did the same with Kelson, once again only to find nothing.

She looked at James.

"James your stomach hurt?" She asked him.

"A little." He replied. "Just a bit gassy."

Their mom walked away, only to come back and smell the same smell again. She didn't want to outright put James on the spot, but she had to get him to stand up so she could check. She asked him to help her set the table and he reluctantly agreed. As he was setting the table, his mom noticed a bulge. She walked over to him.

"Your tummy still hurt?" She asked

He nodded

He then felt his mother's hand lift his shirt up and grip the back of his pajama bottoms and underwear and pulled them back, exposing his butt. There, his mother found poop sitting in the seat of his underwear.

"James I can't believe it!" His mother said.

James was red in the face and silent.

"I couldn't hold it. Everytime I moved it came closer and closer." He said on the verge of crying.

"The fact you continued to sit in it and not tell me or even bother to go change." His mom said.

He tried walking away but his mom still had a grip on the back of his pants and underwear. From behind him he could see flashes camera clicks, conforming his mother was taking pictures.

"Mom what are you doing?" He asked her.

"Just in case." She told him.

"Don't let this happen again." She said.

She let go of her grip and pated her son on the bottom motoning for him to go get changed. He left to do so and came back down for dinner.

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