Babied By My Best Friends Sister Pt.1

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Eric's best friend Edwin invited him over to stay at his home. Edwins' parents are on their anniversary, and they're going to be gone for a while, especially since today techinally marks the first day of summer since the also day of school was today. Edwin told his friend Eric about the game himnand sister played every year since 3 years ago, where'd he pretend to be a baby and she'd baby him. Eric seemed interested and wanted to partake in it.

Upon getting to the house, Edwins sister Esther opened the door, letting them in .

"You already know what to do Edwin, take Eric with you upstairs. I'll be there soon." She said.

As they start walking, she pulls Eric back and pulls the back of his pants and breifs back to check his sizes. She let's go of her grip, and Eric follows Edwin to his room.

Edwin leads Eric upstairs to his room. Edwin starts stripping completely, and Eric reluctantly follows suit. Esther walks in with diapers and directs them to lie on the bed. She rubs cream on them, powders them, and diapers them both.

Esther: You guys want to wear a shirt or would you rather stay shirtless?

Edwin: Shirt please

She grabs a shirt and puts it in her brother. Eric also wants a shirt and she puts one on him also.

Eric: We get pants to, right?

Esther laughs

Esther: No, silly, it'll be easier to check you if you need changing!

Eric ignires her comment, not believing he'd actually have to use the diaper.

Esther: Special Edwin knows the rules already, but I'm gonna tell you, Eric. You are to act EXACTLY like a baby, which means crawling, talking like one and basically being treated like one. You even have to use your diaper.

She smiles.

Eric: OK.

Esther: Failure to follow any of the rules will result in your punishment, so it could be something like a spanking to a timeout and something else like laxatives.

He nods, not wanting to get punished so early.

Esther was actually a tall girl for her age. She got her height from her dad. She stands 5'11 whiles her dad stands 6'2. Their mom and Edwin stand close in height, their mom being 5'4 and Edwin being 5'0. Esther easily picked them both up and carried them downstairs, sitting them on the couch. 

Esther: Also, I should remind you that you are NOT allowed to ask for a change, I'll check on you occasionally and determine if you need to be changed or not. These diapers will make the scent, so whether you smell like pee or poo, I'll never know until I check you. The diaper won't even distort any colors. So it'll be a mystery every time!

Edwin: yay!

Esther: I'm gonna go make dinner!

She cuts on the tv, leaving Puppy Dog Pals on and goes to the kitchen.

Eric: Dude you guys do this every year?

Edwin: Yeah. Every year.

Eric: You must really enjoy it. Where's the enjoyment start?

Edwin: It'll hit eventually.

Eric notices his friends face getting red, he then watches him get on his knees on the couch and grunt a bit almost as if he's pushing. A minute later Edwin keys out a breath and sits down in his own mess. Eric watches in disbelief.

Eric: You actually USED it? I thought you guys were joking!

Edwin: No, I actually use it and she changes me.

Eric can't believe what he just heard. It's just now hitting him he's sitting in a diaper his best friend's sister hit him in, and them it hit even harder, realizing that his sister is only a few months older than them.

Edwin: I've been holding it all day. Won't be long before you have to go.

Eric: I won't have to.

Edwin: Yeah you will, you'll be here pretty much all summer you're gonna need to go at some point. It's inevitable.

Eric: Did you really go? Like actually USE the diaper or are you playing with me?

Edwin turns with his back facing Eric.

Edwin: Take a look and you tell me.

Eric pulls back Edwins waistband and peers into his diaper seeing his miss sitting in the seat of his diaper.

Eric: OH my God!

He let's go of the waistband, Edwin turns back around.

Edwin: It'll be you soon.

Esther walks back into the room smiling and sits I between the two boys.

Esther: Dinner will be ready soon!

She pulls Eric into her lap and taps his nose. Edwin looks at Eric and smirks.

Esther: You ok baby?

She bounces him a bit as Eric just sits there not wanting to make Esther mad.

She holds him for a bit before the oven beeps. She sits him back on the couch and goes to check the food. She comes back to the living room woth plates and she out them on the coffee table. Edwin and Eric sit on the floor and begin eating their chicken nuggets and French Fires. The "salt" on them wasn't actually salt but laxatives and they boys ate it up. After they finish eating she cleans them up and washes the dishes. She goes to Edwin to pick him up and burp him.

Before she can burp Edwin, he burps on his own. She rubs his head and picks up Eric off the ground and sits him on her lap, facing him towards her and pulling him closer. She pats his back until he burps. Eric then gets an all to familiar feeling in his stomach, he has to poo. As Esther pulled him closer the pressure made it all to unbearable and he was about to let loose. She then pulls back his diaper and upon doing that she ends up watching as he filled the diaper. After he finished she rubbed his back.

Esther: Good baby.

She stands up, still holding him and carrying him upstairs to change him. As he's being carried upstairs Eric actually decides this wouldn't be so bad.

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