Kylies Story Pt. 3

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Kylie woke up to her brother checking her diaper.

“Am I dry?” She asked. It was certainly saying something that Kylie considered asking whether or not she was wet as “less embarrassing”, but this went unnoticed by her.

          “No, you wet pretty heavily.” Kylan told her, but quickly his tone changed to a happier one. “But on the better news, you didn’t poop yourself!”

She noticed a potty chart on her nightstand. It was divided into two sections. A day time section, decorated with a smiling sun, and a night time section, decorated with a sleeping moon. Kylan put down a neutral faced sticker on the night time box that corresponded to that day. Kylie noticed most of the past week was filled out too, with happy faces decorating the day time where she remained clean, and sad faces on the nights where she had wet and messed herself.

Once he was done filling out the night,
he set the chart back down and turned to Kylie. “Well, let’s go get you cleaned up and ready for school.”

          She swung her feet out over the side of his bed and followed Kylan down to the bathroom. Even though she was wearing a sagging, warm, wet pull up between her legs, she felt extremely proud of herself. Maybe the pull ups would help after all, this was the first night this week that she hadn’t pooped her bed, so maybe it was a sign.

          Kylan helped her change out of her pull up and into her day clothes and sent her off for another day at school.

Kylie once again came home late, she quietly opened and closed the door, slipping into the house in an attempt to go unseen. However, Kylan was easily able to hear her entering the room and came out to greet her.

          “Kylie! How was school?” He asked her. She froze, stiff as a board.

          “It went uh… It went well…” H
She said with a strained smile.

  “Is something wrong?”

          “N-No! Nothing wrong here.” Kylie started walking towards the bathroom. “I’m just gonna go get ready for bed now.” She walked with a slight waddle to her step. Kylan took a sniff of the air, and noticed a smell that he had been smelling from Kylie every morning this week…

          “Kylie, hold on.” He said to his sister. Kylie stopped in her tracks. With her back now to him, he could see a slight bulge in the back of her pants. he approached her and pulled out the waistband, peering down her jeans to see a mess planted firmly in her underwear.

“You had an accident at school?” He asked in an incredulous tone.

          “I-I couldn’t hold it during my test.” Kylie answered, lowering her head.

          “So you sat in it all day?” He asked, waving the smell away with his hand. Kylie only nodded solemnly. Kylam sighed. “Come with me, right now.” He said, dragging her by the hand towards the bathroom.

          “I’m sorry, I just… Had to go…”

“And that’s fine, but I didn’t expect you to have an accident during the day.” Kylan pulled off Kylies pants and once more peered down into her underwear, assessing the damage. He sighed. “Kylie, it is all over your butt. This is going to be too hard to do standing up, go ahead and lay down on the floor for me.”

Kylie obeyed without another word, laying down and spreading her legs as her brother pulled off her messy underwear. He lifted up her legs by the ankles and began to wipe her clean as if she were a baby. Halfway through getting her pants changed, Kylie discovered an urge to pee. But she was worried about making her brother mad, so she just held it and kept quiet.

Once Kylie was all cleaned up, she was instantly changed into his diaper for the night and carried to bed.

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