Katies Story

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The babysitter who put me back in diapers is now my boyfriend. 😀 My friend knew I need diapers, since I'm incontinent. One night, when I was 11, my parents had a event to go to, so my friend's mom was going to watch me. Anyway, after school, I went home, and mom told me that she can't. I went to my friend's house ( across the street from my house and 3 houses down) and asked if she could change me (he does it before), but she asked if Rowan (my boyfriend) could change me. Rowan did change me and he did a great job. Rowan didn't put on anything over my diapers, but we stayed in his room playing video games. After a few hours, he asked me if he could change me, so I said after I take my shower. He decided to bathe me instead, then diaper me.

Everytime I had to go there, Rowan got me baby items. Now, in his parents backyard is a carriage house that is our house. We made me a nursery there, since he builds furniture. I love him, so much!!

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