Act Like A Baby, Be Treated Like One

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Abigail, who is 4'9, sits in the seat, strapped in on the shopping cart at Walmart, as much as she protests her mom won't treat her like the teenager she is. You'd think her turning 16 would make things better for her but they didn't. School is starting in a few weeks and her mother decided to start early considering how hard it is to find her size. They go to the school pants and loom at them. Abigail wanted her mom to go to the mall amd get oants there, but her mom insisted it would be easier to get them from Walmart because her size was bound to be here.

Abigail mom lifted her out the cart and Abigail stood trying not to look around in case anyone saw. "What size are you again dear?" Her mom asked her. Her mom looked down at her and Abigail shrugged. Her mom turned her around and pulled back her pants to look at the tag.

"Ahh, I thought so." She said, letting go of the tag. She grabbed a few pairs of pants and a few shirts and took Abigail to the dressing room.

"Mom I can do It myself." Abigail said nervous

"I bet you can, but I want to be sure they fit you the way I want them to." She said.

They go into a dressing room and without warning, her mom undresses her. She outs the shirts on her daughter and the pants and looks at her daughter in the mirror.

"You look so cute!" Her mom said

"Mom we don't wear uniforms why am I wearing this?" Abigail said

"Make you look presentable Abigail."

"But the ither kidd won't be wearing this!" Abigail said complaining

"Well you aren't the other kids" her mom said

After changing back into her other clothes and being out back into the cart, They then went on to buy socks for Abigail and a few bras. They then came down to the pantiesthat. Her mother reached behind her and pulled out her panties a bit to see the tag.

"An extra small, you haven't a grown a bit dear." She said as she grabbed a pair of the Princess Panties.

"MOM I can't wear those I'm 16!"

Her mom lifted her out the cart.

"Then go find some that you thinks appropriate for you." Her mom said.

Abigail left and found the most adult pack of underwear she could find, the only thing is they're a size up and she knew she wouldn't fit them.

She came back to her mom with them in her hand.

Her mom looked at them and then the size.

"Honey you can't fit these"

"I'll grow into them" Abigail said.

Her mother turned her around again and lowered her daughters pants a bit and pulled back her panties, revealing her butt to not only the world but the cold air. Little did Abigail know her crush was behind her, him, his mom and his little sister were getting underwear for his little sister. Ger crush saw her in her most vulnerable moment, and even a full view of her butt. As he and his family walked past she noticed him looking and she blushed hard.

"You wear an extra small, these are too big for you Abigail." Her mom said with a stern voice.

She let her underwear snap back and pulled her pants back up. She handed the underwear to Abigail.

"Go put them back. NOW" She said.

Abigail did as she was told and came back embarrassed and disappointed.

"What everyone else where's shouldn't be a deciding factor unto what you're wearing. No ones gonna see them anyway." Her mom stated.

"But mom I'm 16, school doesn't start until 3 weeks from now I can just wear what I already have!" Abigail said

"No you can't, you know every year we replace all your underwear. This year will be no different" her mom stated

"Then order me some!" Abigail said thinking her mom would agree

"They'll take too long to get here. But I have an idea since you don't want these." Her mom said.

She put her daughter back into the cart passing by her crush one again causing Abigail to go red in the face.

They pull into the diaper aisle and Abigail instantly regrets complaining. Her mom grabs a couple boxes.

"These should last a few months " she said

She pulls into self checkout and they begin checking out. But before they leave her mom takes out a diaper and takes Abigail into the bathroom. Abigail didn't even try and fight it. Her mom takes off her daughters pants and underwear and diapers her like a child. She throws her underwear away and doesn't give Abigail her pants back

"Mom I can't go out there like this."

"Shouldve thought of that before you started a ting like a baby." She said.

She helped her daughter down and they walk out the bathroom. To embarass her daughter even more she pulls her diaper back, knowing she hadn't used it and Saud out loud.

"Poopy already? I'll change you when we get home Abigail!"

Her crush walked past smirking and Abigail knew there was no chance with him anymore.

She was carried and statapped into her carseat crying.

"You're gonna be wearing these for the school year, even at home so get comfortable with them because they're you're new toilet also."

Abigail cried harder, knowing she screwed up.

Maybe it won't be so bad though.

The weeks pass by and school starts, Abigail ntocues her crush glancing at her but doesn't think much of it. Weeks to months pass by with Abigail using her diapers as they were intended. Having to have her mom check and change her like a baby, even in public. One night her mom was all dressed up.

"I'm going out Abigail, but I can't leave you alone."

Abigail mouth dropped.

"Why not, you do it any other time?"

"You're a baby, remember?"

"I'm 16"

"You were acting like one, and you are now."

"I'm just short" Abigail said pouting

"See, but that's why I got you a babysitter."


Abigail got curious on who it could be. The doorbell rung and when her mom opened the door she couldn't believe who it was. HER CRUSH.

Abigail heart sank amd she got red in the face once again. As her mom left her crush walked over to her and picked her up.

"Didn't know you were into this" he said.

He didn't even let Abigail say a word, he just popped a pacifier in her mouth and say on the couch with her in his lap. Hours pass by as he watches TV and as she is about to fall asleep a sharp pain hits her stomach, but it was already too late. She was too tried to do anything, and as she was closing her eyes she felt her diaper being pulled back and a click of a camera. She knew it was over but fell asleep anyway.

Her crush changed her diaper and laid her in her bed, he laid next to her, cuddling her. He was enjoying this and as much as Abigail could deny it, she was to.

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