Naomi's Story

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Naomi was the 1st child of her parents, she has a younger brother, younger by 2 years. Of course, her brother was taller than her. She's a freshman in highschool, her brothers in 7th grade and is about 5'8 while she sits at 5'0.

For a reference picture height wise (ignore the people) this is about how far apart they actually are.

For a reference picture height wise (ignore the people) this is about how far apart they actually are

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He always treated her as his little sister, despite being younger. One day their parents left the house, leaving of course Naomi in charge. Her brother Nathan watches as they leave from upstairs and Naomi locks the door after they leave. Nathan comes downstairs.

Naomi looks at her brother. "Where are you going?" She ask him. He looks dowm at her and kneels to her level.

"You're asking a lot of questions little girl." He says and pats her on the head before standing back up.

"Mom and Dad left me in charge, you have to do what I say!"

Nathan laughs as she says this, knowing there wasn't much she could do even of he didn't oblige.

"Sure, isn't it time for your nap?"

Naomi knew he was teasing her about her height again. She sighs.

He notices and walks over to her hugging her. 

"It's ok baby sister, I'm here to watch over you."


Nathan laughs. He picks her up and as hard as she tried to get down she couldn't. He sat her on her lap and turned on the TV.

"Whqt do you wanna watch baby?" He asked her. She didn't reply, instead pouted crossing her arms.

"Big girls don't do that, you must be a little girl!"

She once again became upset.


Nathan's tsk and shakes his head. He begins to take off her shoes revealing her cartoon character socks. Twenty Bird more specifically.

"You have baby feet, wearing baby socks. " He says

He checks the tag of her shirt.

"You're wearing a small size for your age also!" He states.

He lifted her shirt from the back and leaned her forward a bit, he pulls the back of her pants back to get a glimpse of the tag, then checks the tag of her panties as well.

"You're wearing small pants and panties for your age also! And what's this?"

He gives her a slight wedgie, seeing the type of panties she's wearing.

"Big girls don't wear polka dot panties Naomi!" He says.

Naomi begins to cry at this point. Nathan cradles his sister, comforting her.

"It's ok baby, you're just tired!"

He picks her up to carry her upstairs.

"Let's pit you down for a nap."

He lays her in her bed and tucks her in. She doesn't fight it, she was actually tired.

"Goodnight princess" Nathan says as he leaves the room. He returns 30 minutes later to find her fast asleep. He decides to put his plan into action. He knows his sisters a heavy sleeper, he's given her countless wedgies in her sleep before and she slept like a baby through them. He lofts her on top of her comforter and removes her pajama pants and then her polka dotted panties. He diapers her up and lays her back under her comforter.

She awakens hours later, having a new  feeling between her legs. She removes the comforter to find a diaper and screams in horror. Nathan comes running in.

"Poor baby!" He says running to her. He sosts her om his lap.

"What did you do to me?" She says

"I don't know what you're talking about! Are you messy?" He says.

He pulls the back of her waistband back to take a peak inside. Snapping a few pictures like he's been doing all day.

"Why am I in a diaper? Where did you get these?" She says, sounding like she wants to cry again.

He picks his sister up and places her on his hip, carrying her downstairs. He pats her diapered bottom a few times.

"Baby sister needs freshair" He says as he goes to open the door.

Naomi realizes this and tries to fight it but is unable to. Nathan starts walking down the driveway with Naomi wearing nothing but her shirt and a diaper on, being carried by her little brother, to make matters worse they're on the front lawn. People would see her!

"Can we please go back inside?" She ask.

"Are you OK now baby sister?" He ask her.

She nods, resting her head on his shoulder. She gave up, she's gonna have to accept this newfound bond of theirs. At least it wouldn't happen as often.... or so she thought.

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