Nadines Story

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I was wearing a skirt and a diaper. I had peed multiple times and pooped at least once. My boyfriend and I were on the bus on our way to the store. When we got to the bus stop we stood up to get off and my skirt stuck to my diaper so my diaper was completely visible. It was a very full very messy diaper. My boyfriend asked me if I needed changed before we got off the bus. I told him no even though I desperately needed it. While we were walking to the store a kid and his dad walked past us. The little girl pulled on her dads hand. Look daddy she’s got a squishy diaper just like mommy. My boyfriend stopped walking and looked at my butt and made the comment to the little girl. Ya I guess she does. He looked at me and said I thought you said you didn’t need changed. If your gonna be a bad girl and lie then I have no other choice but to treat you like a baby and check your diaper for you and change you when and where I think you need it. I told him I wasn’t done. I still needed to poop more. He told me to hold it. He wanted to change me before I did because he didn’t want it to leak. He made me lay down in the grass by the parking lot of the store and changed me there. As we were walking out the door of the store when we were done I told him I needed to poop but it wouldn’t come out. He asked me if I stopped walking around and squat down could I poop. I said I don’t know but we could try. So we walking over to the grass where he changed me earlier and I squatted down and started pushing hard. My face was red and I was grunting. An older lady asked me if I was ok. I stopped pushing looked up and her and said ya I’m fine. I pushed again. She said hunny you look like your trying to poop. Are you sure your ok? I stopped said yes I’m fine and yes I’m pooping. She just looked at me horrified and walked off

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