Jamies Story

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  Much to Jamie's dismay, her mother hired a babysitter to watch her. Yes, the Junior in highschool needs a babysitter only because her mother thinks she'd get hurt being here at the house alone. Jamie is 5'2 and inherited her shortness from someone, because her mother is 5'8  and her father is 6'2. They were going om date and so the couple took it upon themselves to hire someone.
  Little did Jamie know, it was a guy she didn't really care for, Brandon. Brandon was 6'0 and obviously towered over Jamie. So when the door bell rung and he walked in her mouth immediately dropped as the parents rushed out, Brandon put his bookbag down on the ground. He locked the door behind them. "Looks like I'm the babysitter!" Brandon said. Jamie didn't look too thrilled. " I don't need you, I'm old enough to watch myself." Jamie said. Brandon decided to go against it and tease her.
  "You look like a child to me." He says. "You look about 12 honestly, maybe even younger." He rubs her head. "I'm 17" she says. Brandon chuckles. He bends down to her level. Jamie didn't like this and decided to move away from him and sit in the couch. Brandon sat next to her and Jamie sighed. He pulled her into his lap. "I think you're a child in denial."
  "IM NOT IN DENIAL!" She yells. Brandon laughs. He pulls out the tag if her shirt. "You're wearing a small shirt, my kitten sister can fit this! What size shoes do you wear?" Jamie hesitates and then says her size. "5." She says disappointed. "My sister wears a 6, she's only 11." He says. Jamie Keansburg forward a bit and Jamie spots her oanties peaking out the back of her oants and lulls the back towards him, getting a good look down her panties at her butt. "Small butt for a teenager, my sister wears a bigger size than these panties also, and what's this?"
  He notices a small skid mark, just a slight one. He takes. "Big girls don't have skid marks. This is unacceptable." He grabs his bag and pulls out a pull up.
  "What are those for?" She ask him. "You. Lay down or ill tell everyone about this." He takes a few pictures of what he saw and then her. She complies, not wanting to be embarrassed. She's differed and he takes more pictures.  Brandon sits Jamie on his lap again and cuddles her. She doesn't enjoy it but there isn't much she can do. It isn't until much later he makes them dinner and douses her food in laxatives, which he called seasoning. She eats it and not too much longer after dinner her stomach starts gurgling. Brandon whips out his phone and videos her. She looks at him and realizes what he's done. He turns her around and pulls out the back of the pull up and videos her sitting herself. He laughs as it happens. Once she finishes he makes her stay in the pull up until her parents get back or he gets to send the video to everyone he knew. She complied. Her parents arrive a couple hours later and catch their daughter in a pullup. Brabdon tells them she messed herself and he came prepared in case this did happen and her parents are impressed with how prepared he was. Her parents inspect her diaper and even take turns looking inside at the damage. They yet again commend him and offers him to return to take care of her again, seeing as she can't care for herself. He accepts their offer and they plan another day for tomorrow.

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