Babied By My Best Friends Sister Pt.2

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The two friends Eric and Edwin awaken at the same time. Eric Kay's in bed thinking about the night prior. He rolls over and looks st this friend, who looks back at him.

Edwin: Told you you'd go.

Eric: It felt weird.

Edwin: But after she changed you?

Eric: I felt so little, kinda fuzzy. I was embarrassed as she was changing me but after the fact I felt secure.

Edwin: I love that feeling.

Esther walks into the room.

Esther: I see my babies are awake! Time to check your diaries!

She walks over to her brother first and fells the front of his diaper and pulls out the back.

Esther: A little wet, but it'll be OK.

She walks to Eric, who's nervous.

She does him the same way she did her brother, bit this time made a comment as she lulled his diaper back.

Esther: I didn't notice this until just now Eric, you have such a cute bottom! All clean!

She lets it snap back. She picks up Eric and tells Edwin to follow behind.

Esther: What do you want for breakfast?

Eric thinks.

Eric: Waffles?

Esther: We might have some.

Edwim: Yay!

She sits the boys on the couch as she goes to prepare breakfast. She turns in the tv to the kids channel.

She cooks breakfast, they all eat and then they sit on the couch together and watch youtube videos.

Eric sits on Esther's lap, and she falls asleep. The two boys notice.

Eric: She's asleep!

Edwin: Why are you so excited? Everybody sleeps!

Eric: That means we can diaper her!

Edwin: I'll save you the trouble.

He crawls closer.

Edwim: Get off her lap, I'll show you.

Eric does as told and Edwin pushes his sister over exposing her backside. He grips the back of her pajama oants showing Eric her pull-up.

Eric: She wears?

Edwin: It's the only reason I am. I let her do this to me.

Eric pulls her pull-up back expecting to find a mess, but he finds nothing but her clean butt.

Edwin: you gotta pretend you didn't see this though, or she'll make you pay. Ever gotten a wedgie, well you're gonna get one with that diaper of yours. I'll tell you firsthand ot sucks.

Eric's face turns red.

Edwin sits his sister back up. Eric gets back in her lap.

Esther starts to awaken. Edwin makes the sush movement.

Esther: My babies are sitting here acting so good! Good babies deserve a treat! I'll go get you guys one!

She puts Eric on the couch next to Edwin .

Edwin: Just play with it, it's not that bad.

To Be Continued...

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