Kaycie's Story Pt. 1

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Kaycies friend Kaleb came over to hang out with her. They sat in Kaycies' room playing videogames together. They played Minecraft, Call Of Duty, Halo and a few other games together before Kaleb had to go pee. Kacie also had to use the bathroom, but little did Kaleb know, Kaycie was wearing her bathroom. Kaleb came back a minute later and met Kaycies mom in the hall.

"Oh you just reminded me! I have to check Kaycie!" She said. Kaleb looked co fised at first and walked in Kaycies room behind her mom. "Stand up dear." She said. "Mom please not now." Kaycie begged. "I don't want you to get a rash, it's better now then never. Don't tell me you didn't tell Kaleb?"

Kaleb still looking confused jumped in. "Told me what?" Kaycies mom pulled her off the bed and lifted up her big shirt to reveal her diaper. Kaleb eyes widened as he watched her mom pull the back of her diaper out to peer in.

"You're not messy, but you are wet." She said. She grabbed another diaper and some wipes from her dresser and laid Kayice on the bed. Kaycies mom showed Kaleb how to change her diaper assuming that he'd being doing it for her eventually. After changing her Kaycies mom left the room and Kaycie was red in the face. She couldn't even look Kaleb in the face. "You wanna jump back on the game?" He asked her. She looked up at him and smiled. They continued to play throughout the night until Kaleb went home.

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