Jadas Story

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 I was at school and I had to use the bathroom so I got up and asked the teacher to use the bathroom and she said no. I asked again 10 minutes later and she said yes but only this once. So I peed and then came back. Well about 15 minutes later I had to go poop and I begged but her answer was still no. Well I got up to go to pee next and saw skid marks in my underwear and was so embarrassed. I put the underwear back on over my pe shorts hoping no one noticed. Well turns out this one girl told the pe teacher that she thought u smelled bad so I had to go to the nurses office. The nurse had asked me if I had poop in my pants and I told her no. She said since she thought u did bc she could smell it to let her check. I said ok and when she turned me around and pulled the back of my pantiea back and checked she saw my said marks. She told me to pull my clothes off. She had looked in a closet for some pants that would fit me bc I am pretty small. Then she looked in another closet that was filled with strap on diapers and pull ups. She then told me since I had pooped my pants that I was going to wear a pull up for the rest of the week and I had to come in every day after for her to check if I had peed or pooped my pants. Well everything is going good until one day I woke up late for school so I wore the clothes I slept in to school. Well I bed wet like every once a month and of course the one day I wear the same thing I realize I had wet the bed so when I went in the nurses office.for her to check me she knew when I walked in and told me to take off my clothes and lay down. So I was naked on the couch thing and she pulled out a strap on diapers and baby powerder. She then told me since I am acting like a baby she will treat me like one so she put baby powder on me and then did up the straps and gave me a new shirt and shorts and told me to go to class. Well later I had to go to the bathrooms and decided to just pee in the diaper Instead. Well then I went up to the nurses offices and she was soooo ticked.off that she called my mom and dad and told them to come get me right now and she had.something for them. When they got there she gave them a bag of pull ups and said put on one every morning and night and after 200 days to come get more. Yes she gave them 400 pull ups for me to wear a d said come get more so she checked to see if I had on a pull up every morning and would change me. So in conclusion yes, a nurse kept a 14 girl in pull ups and diapers just bc of one ACCIDENT.IT

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