Kylies Story Pt. 2

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It was well into the night when Kylan crept down the hall towards Kylie’s room. She had come home from school and immediately collapsed in bed, fast asleep. School and exams had been rough on her and her brother knew it. That was what inspired this little plan of his. He was going to give his baby sister time to relax.

          He just had to get her to that point.

          Slowly he opened the door and slipped into her room. The darkness kept her concealed, though he knew she was fast asleep by the sound of her breathing. He slowly moved closer and drew the blankets back away from her face. Just as it was last night, her mouth was slightly ajar.

Reaching into his pocket she removed a single pill that she had removed from the medicine bottle earlier. Carefully, she slipped the tiny pill into her mouth and watched as she swallowed it subconsciously. The pills were special designed to weaken her bladder and bowels. These were the key to getting his sister some relaxation and personal time.

          Once she had swallowed it, Kylan could already hear her stomach beginning to churn. He knew he would wake up tomorrow to a very messy girl.

Just as Kylan had expected, he woke to find Kylie had pooped and peed her bed again. He feigned confusion and surprise, as if he had no idea what was causing Kylie's accidents.

          Just like the day before, Kylan helped Kylie out of bed and wiped her butt clean in the bathroom. Kylie still fought back somewhat, but she still bent over and kept quiet as she was cleaned by her brother.

Later that day, once Kylie had gone off to class for the day, Kylan drove to the nearest Walmart and purchased a number of supplies. A pack of pull-ups, a pack of diapers, some baby wipes, and baby lotion.

          “Got a baby at home, huh?” The cashier asked as Kylan checked out.

          “Mmm. Not quite, but soon. If everything works out that is…”

The next morning followed the same routine. Kylan changed his sister out of her messy underwear, ahe got dressed, and then left to school for the day. Tonight however, things would change. It was time to enter phase 2 of his master plan.

Kylie got home late. She had been at the college from opening till close doing exams and studying. She was utterly exhausted and stressed beyond belief. She couldn’t wait to get home and fall asleep, even though she knew that likely meant wetting and messing the bed. But at this point, she didn’t care. She just wanted to rest.

          As she stumbled into the house at around 11PM, she found her brother sitting up on the couch enjoying a movie. He paused it and happily greeted her as he entered.

          “Hey! How was your day?” She asked as he dropped his things off on the couch.

          “It was rough.” she said with a yawn. “And busy. Spent all day with my head buried in a book. I just can’t wait to get some sleep.” She rubbed her eyes and began to head off to her room, but Kylan spoke up and stopped her.

“Um. Kylie, wait.” he said in a cautious tone.

          “Yeah? What is it?” she asked, stopping in her tracks and turning around.

          Kylan got up off the couch and walked over to a Walmart bag by the kitchen door. He took a deep breath and turned to face her. “I think we need to do something about your accidents. You’ve had them three nights in a row, and I can’t keep washing your sheets and clothes every day.”

Upon showing his sister the diapers, explaining to her she'd have to wear them to bed, she was against it, but decided it was the beat choice. Her brother diapered her and put her to bed for the night.

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