Mikes Story Pt.1

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Mike's twin sister Mikela always bullies her brother Mike, she sees it that since she's 4 minutes older she has the authority over him. One day their dad brought home donuts for them and not too long after he left to go to the water his plants, Mike was still asleep in bed but his sister had a plan to bully him once again. She took the box of donuts into his room and placed it on his nightstand. She pulled the comforter off of him revealing him sleeping in nothing but his Nickeledeon TShirt and his pajama pants, which she takes off to reveal his white tighty whities. She pulled them back by the waistband revealing his butt and snaps them back,giggling to herself at her brothers compromising position. She lifts him over her shoulder so she has a good position for her plan. She opens the donut box and starts crushing the donuts, she pulls his waistband back and strats discarding the donuts down the back of his  underwear. She gives him several small wedgies. Once she discards them she puts his pants back onto him and and lies him down. Leaving the empty box next to him.

Their dad walked back in, looking for the donuts, seeing his daughter on the couch he asked if she knew anything about it and she innocently stated she didn't eat any. He ask if Mike's been awake yet and she once again doesn't know. He marches upstairs to confront his son and Mikela follows close behind. He goes into Mike's room seeing the donuts on his nightstand. He yanks the comforter off of his son and starts yelling at him for eating their breakfast leaving none for his father or sister. Mike sits up confused on what's going on and feels the donuts in his underwear and starts moving his butt.

His dad notices and forcefully turns him aroumd, thinking he's hiding them in his underwear. He pulls the back of his pants and undies back to see a pile of crumbled donuts in his underwear. The dad calls over Mikela to come and look at what he's found and she does so and giggles.

"This is where our breakfast went." The dad sighed. "Maybe he likes the fealing of mess in his undies dad." Mikela stated. The dad agreed. "Since you want to act like a child, I'm gonna treat you like one. Watch your brother while I'm gone.

The dad leaves to go to the store to buy some diapers for his son, he brings them back and forces Mike to lay on his bed. "Can I do it dad?" Mikela ask and the dad let's her. "Take care of your baby brother, he obviously can't be trusted. I'm off to work. You're in charge" he leaves.

As Mikela diapers her brother he begins to tear up, once she finishes she picks him up and pats his back, carrying him downstairs to the couch where she sits him on her lap.

"Dad put me in charge so since you're a diaper baby now I must lay some rules."

1. Use your diapers for its main purpose. No exceptions

2. You aren't allowed to tell me when you've used your diaper, I'm only going to che k you when I think you've used them

3. I can punish you any way I deem necessary.

4. You aren't allowed to use your phone.

5. I can make new rules or alter these rules as I want.

As she finishes her sentence she peeks down the back of his diaper.

"I want this diaper filled by the time dad gets home also. I want him to see the big baby you really are."

Mike falls asleep after a few hours, he then messes himself. Mikaela notices and takes pictures of him I his pedictment and even the inside of the diaper as proof he actually went. Their dad eventually comes home and Mikela tells him everything.

"Well luckily for him the winter break just started, which means he's gonna be using those diapers for the remainder of the break, maybe even longer." Mikela picks up her sleeping brother and lies him over her shoulder and carries him to her room, where she lies him next to her. She tucks him in and the two sleep through the night.

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