Witnessed Check & Change

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 I was sitting in the car of the target parking lot and an suv parked right in front of us. The mom got out of the car and opened the passenger door, out stepped a girl who looked to be about 15 years old. I had the windows down and I could hear everything they were saying. The Mom asked the girl to turn around and she complied, he mom pulled back her diaper and Shewweee you have a big one Anna. She asked if she wanted her to change her in Target or in the car. I didn’t catch what Anna said but she obviously said in the car cause her mom opened the trunk and laid the seats down. She then grabbed her purse fetched a diaper, looked like a goodnite from my view and pampers baby wipes and baby powder. She then told Anna to come over hear and lie down. Anna complied and lifted herself on the back of the truck. Her mom then positioned her straight and unbuttoned her jeans. I could see now it was definitely a goodnite. Her mom got some wipes out and pulled back her shirt and then ripped each side of the godnite, grabbed her legs and pulled the goodnite back. I heard the mom say, PU, as she wiped, the girl just kinda sat there. There was a lot of poop I could easily see it from where I was sitting. Her mom kept talking to her in a babyish way. Eventually she was done wiping and sprinkled some baby powder on her vagina and such. Then slid the new goodnite up her legs and made her stand up while she pulled up her jeans. The smell of the poop had reached my car and it was pretty rotten. They grabbed the used pullup and headed inside.

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