Kylies Story Pt.1

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Kylan cast a glance at the glowing numbers on the oven clock. "6:32" it read in bright green text. he sighed, realizing that his sister probably wasn't going to wake up on her own. Despite being a college sophomore, she still had a bad habit of oversleeping almost every morning. And this time it was even more urgent that she wake up early, today was the first day of her final exams for this semester of college.

"What would that girl do without me." he mumbled as he stepped away from the breakfast she was making and marched to her room down the hall. he knocked three times, hard and loud, before speaking up in an equally loud tone. "Kylie!" he called out. "Its time to get up, come on! You have class this morning!"

After Kylie didn't answer, he rolled his eyes and stepped in. Before the door was even open all the way, however, a horrible smell hit his nose. He gasped and pressed a hand to his face. It was a smell that a he knew well, it smelt like a messy diaper.

He approached his sister and carefully lifted back the sheets on her bed. The seat of Kylie's underwear was full of squished poop. As if she had messed herself at some point during the night. The sheets around her were stained and wet as well, it seems Kylie peed herself too.

"Kylie! Kylie wake up!" Kylan shook his sister awake, shw groggily rolled over and rubbed her eyes.

"Kylan... What's up...?" She asked sleepily. "Can't I sleep in a few more minutes?"

"No! You need to get up, you had an accident in your sleep, it looks like."

"What? What are you..." Kylan reached over and pressed his hand against Kylies's messy bottom, she squirmed and sat bolt upright, inadvertently causing a bigger mess in her pants. "What!? How did that happen?" She asked, feeling her underwear and the sheets around her.

"I don't know, but you need to get up. Come on, let's get you cleaned up for school." Kylan helped his sister from her bed, she kept her legs spread as far as possible to keep the mess from squishing any further. Kylan led her by the hand to their bathroom. Once inside he turned on the light and fully inspected the damage.

"You must have had to go pretty bad." he said, pulling out the back of her underwear and peering down into them.

"Hey! Quit that!" Kylie blushed pulled away from her brother. "Now please get out so I can shower."

"You don't have time to shower, You need to be at the college in 10 minutes! You have exams today, remember?"

"W-Well what am I supposed to do?" Kylie asked, desperation in her voice.

"Cooperate with me, that's what. Let me clean you up really quick. It won't take long and its nothing I haven't seen before." Kylam reasoned with his sister as he readied a wet washcloth to clean her with.

"F-Fine. But not a word of this to anyone okay?" Kylie's face was as red as a beat as she stepped over and stood in front of her brother.

"This will be our little secret." he knelt down and slowly tugged off Kylie's underwear, it was a little difficult because of the poop causing it to stick to her, but it was nothing he couldn't handle. Once they were off, he carefully used the washcloth to clean her up.

"Bend over a little." he instructed, patting her bottom. Kylie grumbled, but obliged his request. He finished cleaning her butt and spun her around to quickly wipe up her front.

Kylie, despite being embarrassed at this morning's events, had to admit that hee brother was right about it being fast. She was cleaned up in a matter of minutes. Another few minutes past, and she was out the door and rushing to the nearby college.

Once she was gone, her brother dutifully removed the sheets from her bed and carried them to the laundry room to be washed. As he finished loading the washing machine, he looked up to see a small bottle of pills on the counter. He nearly leapt out of hIS skin before snatching them up and hiding them in his pocket.

How could I be so careless? He thought to himself. If Kylie saw those then the whole plan would've been a bust. He breathed a sigh of relief and told himself he had to be more cautious. The plan was put into motion now, he couldn't mess up.

And tonight, phase 2 would begin.

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