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Your friends Emily and Nathan have been sorta teasing the other friend in your group Mirah about her kinks during a game of truth or dare. So, you having enough of it, you decide to take matters into your own hands. You start by distracting Emily and Nathan by tasking them to go and get everyone food. While they're gone, you work on regressing Mirah, which was way easier to do than you expected. Maybe 10 minutes later, they come back with a pizza. Everyone sits at a table while you offer to fox everyones plates, and there is still some teasing from Nathan and Emily.

Mirah, of course, isn't fazed by it due to her being in a regressed mental state. You sprinkle some laxatives on Mirah's pizza, and you bring everyone their food. You want everyone to finish eating before you finally put your plan into action. You shrink both Emily and Nathan, and theory screams become more giant as they do shrink. You pick them up, telling them they're wrong for basically bullying their friend, and they should be punished for it, and you know exactly how you're gonna do it.

You pull out the back of Mirah's diaper, and you drop your friends Emily and Nathan into the back of it. They land on the padding.

"Wait, please don't do this!" Emily yells.
"Sorry." You say. "IT has to be this way!"

You can hear Mirahs stomach rumbling, a few seconds later, she begins to fill her diaper, and you watch her mess burry your friends. You smile as you see it. After she finishes you let go of her waistband and pat it. Seeing small movements.

You pick Mirah up, hand on her bottom, making sure to squish the mess in her diaper, and sit down on the couch with her on your lap, bouncing her. She giggles as you do so. You sit and wonder how many other people you can do this too.

Besides, nobody can stop you anyway.

   Just decided to try something different, so expect other things ever so often similar to this or something else completely. I wanna make this as enjoyable as possible, so there's something for everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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