Girlfriend Turned Baby Pt. 1

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Reginald sat on the couch watching tv and his girlfriend Regan walked in from downstairs.

"What are we watching tonight?" She asked him. Reginald shrugged.

"No idea, you got any suggestions?" He asked her.

She also shrugged. She walked up to him and grabbed the remote for him putting it on the arm.of the couch.

"We can entertain ourselves though." She said smilingnat him. She sat on his lap facing him, she lay her head on his shoulder cuddling him and he cuddles her back.

She turns around and sits on his lap facing the tv as she grabs the remote and opens HBO Max. An hour passes and Regan turns back facing him and rest her head on his shoulder.

"I'm tired. Carry me to bed?" She asked almost sounding like a child. He cuddles her

"Sure, let me just see this last part." He replied.

10 minutes pass and Regan is sound asleep while Reginald continues watching TV. Regans stomach starts bubbling but Reginald doesn't hear it. She also let out a small silent fact that got Reginalds attention. It was a strong smell, but you could tell she passed gas.

He chuckled to himself.

"Uh oh, better be careful now, don't wanna mess yourself." He assumed she was dreaming, because people tend to do their business in their sleep if they dream about doing it. A couple minutes pass and she does it again. This time Reginald patted her back trying to wake her but to no avail.

Something told him to check her.

He pulled her shirt up a bit pulled back her shorts getting a view of her underwear. He sits her up on his lap and leans her forward. He pulls back her panties waistband and sees a small stain in the seat of her underwear.

"Oh God did she just do this?" He thought to himself. He let's them snap back and carries her upstairs to her room. She stares passing gas again. This time causing liquid to escape her bowels.

Reginald nearly gagged at the site but took her to the bathroom for a quick bath.

She trusted Reginald, so it wouldn't be awkward for them to see each other in different states. 

After bathing her, he wraps her in a towel and lays her on her bed. He opens her panty drawer.

"She won't be needing these must longer.

He pulls out a pair anyway and puts it on her, he slides her into some new shorts and a tshirt and he tucked her into her bed. Leaving her for the night.

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