Double Trouble

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Two twin siblings, Mac and Macy, and their younger sister Macile are left at home while their mom was at work. Mac and Macile wear diapers, Mac has a bowel and baldder issue, so he's in diapers indefinitely and oftentimes, is checked and changed by either his mom or twin sister. Macy smells a strong all to familiar odor and confronts the only two culprits.

Macy: Which one of you went poopie?

Macile: I not go poppy!

Mac: I- didn't either.

Macy: So no one's gonna confess?

Mac: Well, I didn't go!

Macy; Really? Then you won’t mind if I check your diaper then, will you?

Mac: Nope. Go ahead. My butt is all clean.

Macile watched as Macy turned Mac turned, lifted the back of his shirt, and tugged out the back of his diaper. Macy let out a mock gasp.

Macy: Well, would you look at that. It’s all poopy in there!

Macy let Mac's diaper and shirt go, the shirt dropping into the waistband to let the boys diaper show prominently. Macy patted his messy bottom.

Macy: You wanna change now or later?

Mac: Now.

She turns to Macile.

Macy: Just in case it was you too, I gotta check you as well.

She checks her little sisters diaper.

Macy: What a big girl! No poppies, unlike your brother here.

Macy takes Mac hand and takes him upstairs to change him. She brings him back down after she does so and sits him on her lap.

Mac: I wanna set on the couch.

Macy: Well, considering you lied about not being messy, I see you as a baby Mac.

She pulls his head to her chest.

Macy: Take a nap. By the time you wake up, mom will probably be home.

Mac does as told. He wakes up an hour later to Macy's friend Jennifer, changing  him and Macy watching.

Macs face turns bright red, Jennifer finishes diapering him and picks him up like a toddler on her hip.

Jennifer: Baby's awake!

Macy pinches Macs cheeks.

Macy: Hungry?

Mac nods, he's carried downstairs and sat in a chair, Macile sits next to him in her high chair.

Jennifer opens a jar of mashed bananas and grabs a spoon to feed Mac.

Mac: I don't want that!

Jennifer: Eat them! Or you won't eat at all tonight!

Mac watches as his little sister Macille is giving a player of nuggets and fries.

Mac: How comes she gets those, and I get this?

Macy: Cause you've been nothing but trouble all day! So either eat the bananas or you're gonna wish you would've listened.

Mac: I'll starve then!

Macy: Suit yourself. Go ahead, Jennifer.

Jennifer stands up and opens the back of Macs diaper.

Mac: I'm not dirty!

Jennifer: Not yet.

She dumps the bananas unto the back of his diaper and watches it slide down. Mac shivers at the feeling of it. Jennifer made him sit in it in the chair.

Macy: Bet you wished you ate it huh?

Mac: I'm sorry.

He said almost sounding like he wants to cry.

Macy: Jennifer you can give him a bath if you want to. He's probably not hungry right now.

Jennifer picks Mac up and she forcefully wraps his legs around her.


Jennifer: Nonsense, you can't tell us when you've popped yourself. It'll be quick I promise.

She goes to the bathroom with him and runs his bath water. He tries to sneak away but is caught. Jennifer hives him a hard smack on his diapered bottom, Mac could feel the bananas spread even more.

Jennifer notices his discomfort and peeks into his diaper.

Jennifer: This isn't the ideal dirty diaper, sewing as your food goes into your mouth and then out this side later.

She gives him a small diaper wedgie, making Mac let out a small yelp. She straps him and puts him into the tub. She makes quick work bathing him, and much to Maca dismay he gets excited. Jennifer notices

Jennifer: You like this, don't you, baby?

She teased to him.

She finishes bathing him and rediapers him in his room. She then picks him up again and carries him into Macy's room.

Mac: Wait, I wanna go to my room!

Jennifer: You're sleeping with us tonight. I can't trust you.

She puts his bottom. She puts him under the covers and cuddles next to him.

Jennifer: I'll be here to check and change you, though sweetie!

She sits up in the bed and pulls him up as well, moving him into her lap. She takes the bottle sitting on the nightstand and puts it into his mouth, Mac starts sucking almost immediately, not even knowing that he's drinking laxatives, and that'd he'd have a big blow out real soon.

*I am still working on more stories , I have a lot in my drafts. More coming soon!*

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