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"Longtime friends are family that we choose." -Patrick Regan

The next day, I woke up pretty late because I spend my time catching up with my family especially with my big sister, Amanda. We talked about life and shared interesting stories with each other last night. It was fun and I felt happy to have a reliable sister like her. We used to fight a lot when we were little. However, as we grew up, we became inseparable and close to each other. Sometimes, I even borrowed her clothes, asking for make-up tutorial and even dating advices. Well, that's what sisters are for, right?

I yawned a few times, rubbing my eyes while reaching for my phone at the bedside table. I looked at the time, "Oh, it's already 11 o'clock! I really should wake up now. I need to call Ivy and ask if she is free to meet me today."

30 minutes later, I finished getting ready and dialed Ivy's number, "Hey Ivy. Are you still in bed? If you are free, then let's have lunch together at our usual place." Ivy hummed, "uh huh. I am getting ready now! You can head there first and I'll be there within half an hour. I'll see you, bestie! Oh and I have curfew remember? My parents don't let me go out that much." I chuckled, nodded, "Yes! See you soon! Miss you!"

I grabbed my sling back and wore my sneakers. "Let's go! I cannot wait to order spaghetti and their garlic bread! Oh, and also maybe try some new desserts too!" I smiled brightly, looking at the blue sky, "It's a nice weather today. Let's spread positivity and be happy!"

I arrived at Marshmallow café 20 minutes later. I walked inside the café, sitting at the corner of the café. I sent Ivy a short text message telling her that I just arrived at the café, "Ivy, I just arrived at the café. Take your time and see you soon." I took a few selfies and sent it to my boyfriend, Jeremy. I chatted with him while waiting for Ivy to arrive.

15 minutes later, Ivy finally arrived. I greeted her with a warm hug and asked her to sit down. "Hey, it's been a while. You look so pretty. Your hair colour looks great and it really suits you! Damn, I wish I could dye my hair too. My mom would've killed me if I dyed my hair!" I said.

She chuckled a little and replied, "Really? You think so?" I nodded, giving her a thumbs up and complimented her once again. Ivy continued her sentence, "You know I have always wanted to dye my hair in brunette, right? I'm surprised that my mom let me dye my hair! Aww, it's okay. Your light brown hair is already pretty, Alannah. If you could get permission to dye your hair, what colour will it be?

I looked at her, thinking deeply of her question, "Well, I'm not really sure but perhaps a highlights or ash grey will be my choice." Ivy nodded and we spent our time eating while catching up with each other.

We took a few selfies together, teasing each other about our boyfriends.

"Well, when is Jeremy coming here? He needs to see me for my approval. No one can take my best friend easily." Ivy said.

I laughed, smacking her arm, "Well, how about Joshua? When can I meet him? I want to get to know him too." Both of us laughed and Ivy replied, "Well, let's have a double date soon!"

We talked for a bit and I talked about my part time job and how I dealt with some customers' order. Ivy's face expression changed when she heard the word "job". I noticed the sudden change and stopped myself from continuing my story.

I cleared my throat, began to ask her, "So how did it go with your parents? Did you managed to consult and discuss with them in more details?" I gave her a pat in the back, trying to soothe her. She remained quiet for a few seconds before trying to answer my question. I looked at her, preparing to hear her side of the story. 

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