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"Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it."- Charles R. Swindoll

It was already 1 o'clock in the afternoon and I will arrive at my destination shortly. Jeremy looked at me in concern when I showed him the chats I received from Joshua.

"I have to do something! I am so worried about Ivy right now. She never does this. I wonder why she is behaving like this." I whimpered, feeling scared.

I unlocked my phone, reread my chats with Joshua. Joshua told me that he was not in touch with Ivy for almost a month. He tried calling her everyday but the call got declined. He even went to her house but no one answered the doorbell. He was so worried and had sleepless night for almost a month.

"Our relationship was fine. We do not have any argument and we did go on a date a few days before she completely ignored my texts. I don't know what is happening to her." Joshua said.

I furrowed my eyebrows, thinking about Ivy. Just what on earth is happening to her?

"Okay, I really need to meet up with Joshua and come up with a plan to help Ivy." I said.

Jeremy nodded, patting my back, "Yes, I will also do anything I can to help your best friend."

Both of us arrived and we walked towards the bus stop.

"So, where do we go next?" Jeremy asked.

"Well first, we are going to my house. You can meet my parents and get to know them too." I said.

I looked at Jeremy and his face expressions changed when I mentioned my family. He cleared his throat before replying to me, "Your parents? Is your dad scary and strict? I'm a bit worried if he doesn't like me to be your boyfriend."

I chuckled, ruffling his hair, "Aww. Don't worry too much, darling. My parents are so nice and understanding. They would not bite you or anything."

I hit his arm playfully, "Relax, Jeremy. Everything will be fine. I am excited to meet with your parents next month too!"

Both of us headed to my house as Jeremy planned to stay over at my house for tonight. We arrived there 30 minutes. Jeremy got along really well with my family especially my dad. It was such a surprise though. My dad was usually known as a strict person but today was an exception. Both of them instantly clicked with each other and talked about the football teams. I smiled looking at the two of them getting along really well.

The next day, I woke up early in the morning and prepared breakfast for the family. I took out a few ingredients such as eggs, bread and pancake mix. The breakfast was serve within 30 minutes.

After having my breakfast, both Jeremy and I bid good bye to my parents and we headed to the nearest café to meet Ivy's boyfriend, Joshua. Joshua texted me yesterday, insisted to meet up and discuss more about Ivy. I agreed to meet him at the café in my hometown.

15 minutes later, Jeremy and I arrived at the café. We took a seat and ordered drinks while waiting for Joshua.

"When is Joshua coming? Is he on his way?" Jeremy asked.

I nodded, looking at my phone, "Yes, he is on his way. He told me that he will be here in 10 minutes."

Jeremy and I talked for a while and enjoying our drinks. Suddenly I heard someone calling my name. I turned around and saw Joshua. I waved at him, signaling him to come to my seat.

"Hi Alannah. Sorry I'm late. The traffic was bad." Joshua apologized.

I shook my head, "Oh, it is okay. I just arrived here 15 minutes ago." I looked at Jeremy, making an eye contact with him. "Oh, and this is my boyfriend, Jeremy. Jeremy, this is Ivy's boyfriend, Joshua."

Both of them exchange greetings and introduce themselves to each other. I cleared my throat before asking a serious question to Joshua.

"So, what happened between you and Ivy? Is there any obvious changes in Ivy's attitude?" I asked.

Joshua sighed heavily, making eye contact with me and Jeremy. "Hmm. To be honest, I don't really know what went wrong. Everything looks ordinary and perfect to me. We did not have any fight or misunderstanding between us last month."

I nodded, trying to understand his perspective, "Do you perhaps see any slight changes or subtle hint that Ivy is probably going through something?"

He looked at me, paused for a second. He cleared his throat before began his sentence, "Well, there is a day where I thought she acted a bit different from usual. I assumed it was a mood swings." I furrowed my eyebrows, asking him, "How did she act? Did she say something worrying out of the blue? Tell me in more details, Joshua."

He sighed heavily, scratching his head. I could feel that he is nervous and feeling bad, blaming himself for what happened to Ivy.

He cleared his throat before explaining the situation, "Okay here I go. So, it was on Saturday and I just finished my work shift for the day. It was really hectic and I was so exhausted." He looked at me and I nodded at him, signaling him to continue the story.

"Ivy and I chatted during the night. The conversation was going pretty well and exciting as usual. But then, she sent me a chat asking if she could ask me a favour and my opinion regarding something."

He sighed heavily, shaking his head, "If only I replied to her chat instantly, this wouldn't happen, right?"

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