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I was running so fast

I thought it would last

But I tripped and fell

No one saw it, and I didn't tell

Tried to stand up again

But it was just too much pain

So I just lay on the cold, hard floor

Walls grew around me, they had no door

The ones outside, they believed

That I was trying to deceive

Them with my cries of 'Help me'

Just because they couldn't see

All of the blood behind the wall

They never knew I had a fall

They said, "Just stand up, break through

Everyone else has problems too."

Criticized me for all my flaws

With all their might, they dug in their claws

And I still lie right there

Believing no one cares


I unknowingly built walls all around me. I stopped telling people about my state and stopped expressing myself to others as much as I used to. And so when I fell, no one at all noticed. They thought I was still running, still at the top, but I wasn't, and since I'd built walls I myself couldn't climb, I couldn't tell anyone. And so when I tried to signal to them that I was in pain, they thought I was doing it for attention, that I was faking it, or that it was just a minor scratch. They didn't believe me. And it hurt even more. And I still lie within those walls,  still bleeding, still hoping someone will realize the truth, and come to help. 

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With love, 


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