34) A Little Wrapped Up

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Where Kwazii tries to learn a new skill - and gets a little caught up in things...
(Based on the attached picture which I just loved!)

Online: TheKwaz, SuperStrength,

TheKwaz: ... um hey guys

SuperStrength: oh hello Kwazii I haven't seen you all day

TheKwaz: there may be a reason for that...

SuperStrength: huh?

TheKwaz: :S

SuperStrength: ... where are you now Kwazii?

SuperStrength: Are you in trouble?

SuperStrength: you haven't crashed have you?

SuperStrength; because I really don't want to have to come out there and get you

TheKwaz: No no nothing like that

TheKwaz: I'm in the Sick Bay

SuperStrength: WHAT are you hurt???

TheKwaz; no!

TheKwaz: Peso's not here

TheKwaz: Is he?

SuperStrength; no he's out on a mission with Shellington

SuperStrength; so why are you in the Sick Bay if you're not hurt and peso's not there?

TheKwaz: ... you'll laugh at me

SuperStrength: No I won't!

SuperStrength; polar bear promise

TheKwaz: Is that even a thing?

SuperStrength; it is now

SuperStrength: it's like a pinky promise, but stronger and for polar bears

TheKwaz: fair enough

TheKwaz: I wanted to be able to help out more with Peso

SuperStrength: oh that's nice Kwazii

SuperStrength; I know he's always pretty busy

TheKwaz: So I decided to try my hand at bandaging

SuperStrength; oh

SuperStrength: ... And how did that go?

TheKwaz: as I said, there may be a reason that you haven't seen me all day

SuperStrength; why?

TheKwaz: let's just say I'm a little - wrapped up in matters

SuperStrength: huh?

SuperStrength; ... Oh... you got yourself tied up in bandages, didn't you?

TheKwaz; maybe

SuperStrength: how long have you been tied up?

TheKwaz: ... a few hours

SuperStrength; oh wow

SuperStrength: and you didn't think to radio anyone to help

TheKwaz; I wanted to see if my pirate skills could get me out first

SuperStrength; and did they?

TheKwaz: evidently, no

SuperStrength: why didn't you just wait for peso to come back

TheKwaz: I wanted to surprise him

SuperStrength: So you need some help?

TheKwaz: just a little

SuperStrength: I don't think I'm very good at bandage untying

SuperStrength; that's peso's department

TheKwaz; I can't ask peso for help

TheKwaz: he'll be angry that I wasted his bandages

SuperStrength: this is Peso we're talking about

SuperStrength; he won't get angry with you

TheKwaz; I guess

(MedicMayhem has logged on)

MedicMayhem; hey there guys

MedicMayhem; Shellington and I are finished on our mission Captain

SuperStrength; okay very good Peso

TheKwaz; are you... coming up to the Sick Bay

MedicMayhem: yes

MedicMayhem: wait, coming up?

MedicMayhem: Are you in there?

TheKwaz; yes

MedicMayhem; why?

MedicMayhem; are you hurt??

TheKwaz; No

TheKwaz; why does everyone automatically assume I'm hurt if I'm in the Sick Bay?

TheKwaz; am I not just allowed to visit my friend?

SuperStrength; because you are very accident prone anyway, Kwazii

MedicMayhem: plus I'm not in there, Kwazii, so you can't be visiting me

TheKwaz; oh yeah

MedicMayhem; why are you actually in there Kwazii and have you broken anything

TheKwaz: I may have got myself a little bit - tied up with some of your bandages...

MedicMayhem: ... oh kwazii :)

MedicMayhem; only you could do that and be so embarrassed about it

TheKwaz: So you're not angry?

MedicMayhem; no, I've done it lots of times

MedicMayhem; but why were you using my bandages anyway?

TheKwaz: I was trying to learn how to bandage to help you out

MedicMayhem: aww that's nice

MedicMayhem: kinda strange, but nice

TheKwaz; :)

MedicMayhem; you know, if you want to learn to bandage, I can teach you

TheKwaz; really?

MedicMayhem; yeah, no problem

SuperStrength; do you need help getting untied now kwazii

TheKwaz; ... yes

MedicMayhem; *sigh* I'll be right up

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