78) Lost And Found

638 17 5

AN) Where OctoPhones are easily misplaced and Tweak just gets very confused...

Online: I'mOnIt, DynamicDiscoveries

DynamicDiscoveries: tweak, have you seen my OctoPhone?

I'mOnIt: I don't even have any time or energy to be sarcastic right now

I'mOnIt: Shellington, you're holding it in your hand

DynamicDiscoveries: what? No it's not, i'm holding test tubes right now

DynamicDiscoveries: and not dropping them, unusually

DynamicDiscoveries: wait, are you saying it's in the test tube?

DynamicDiscoveries: but I wasn't even experimenting with it today (much)

I'mOnIt: no, shellington, it's literally right in front of you

I'mOnIt: think about it

DynamicDiscoveries: wait, how do you know where it is?

DynamicDiscoveries: do you have some kind of tracking device on the phone?

I'mOnIt: no, but -

DynamicDiscoveries: then how do you know these things?!

I'mOnIt: Shellington, you're texting me with it

I'mOnIt: you must have it in your hand

DynamicDiscoveries: no

DynamicDiscoveries: just these two test tubes

DynamicDiscoveries: by the way, speaking of which, if you hear a distant explosion any time in the next few minutes, you'll know why

DynamicDiscoveries: these two test tubes should not under any circumstances be mixed, and if I somehow forget or accidentally drip one into the other, it may cause a tiny explosion

I'mOnIt: so you're not holding your phone?

DynamicDiscoveries: no

DynamicDiscoveries: it doesn't matter anyway now, i'll find it later


I'mOnIt: Shellington.

I'mOnIt: ...

DynamicDiscoveries: .... uh oh

I'mOnIt: uh oh? That doesn't sound good :/

DynamicDiscoveries: may have just mixed the two test tubes that should never be mixed together

I'mOnIt: WHA -

DynamicDiscoveries: explosion kind of imminent - I'd advise you to roll up your ears, Tweak


DynamicDiscoveries: right, now I just wonder where my phone is...

I'mOnIt: Shellington - the explosion?!

DynamicDiscoveries: oh wait, never mind, I've just found it!

DynamicDiscoveries: thanks tweak :)

(DynamicDiscoveries has logged out)

I'mOnIt: o_o

* * * * * * * *

Online: I'mOnIt, SweetAsSugar

I'mOnIt: right, the propeller is back on - again

I'mOnIt: how they keep crashing and breaking the propeller is beyond me

I'mOnIt: wait, there's a phone in the seat of Gup A

I'mOnIt: whos is it, I wonder?

I'mOnIt: hmm... oh, it's Dashi's phone, left on, I guess she accidentally left it in here

I'mOnIt: oh, but she's out photographing seaweed or something right now

I'mOnIt: I better tell her I've got her phone

(I'mOnIt has sent a text to SweetAsSugar)

I'mOnIt: Dashi, your phone's in the Gup A

(SweetAsSugar has received a text)

I'mOnIt: huh? Dashi's phone just buzzed at me

I'mOnIt: oh ..... right :O

* * * * * * * *

Online: I'mOnIt, All4Fun

I'mOnIt: hey Kwaz, I texted you about coming to clean up the HQ while I'm out TWO HOURS ago

I'mOnIt: I got all the way to the beach with the Captain and Dashi by now and you still haven't called me back

I'mOnIt: if you're deliberately ignoring me so you get out of cleaning the HQ on your turn, I WILL make you clean the entire Octopod

I'mOnIt: and if you're playing table tennis while you're receiving these texts you're scrubbing out the Octochutes too

All4Fun: Oh, I lost my phone, so I can't text you back 'till I find it, soz

I'mOnIt: oh, okay

I'mOnIt: I guess that makes sense, right Kwazii?

I'mOnIt: even though you're texting me with it

All4Fun: nope, I lost my phone

I'mOnIt: oh right

I'mOnIt: ...

I'mOnIt: you find it yet?

All4Fun: nope

I'mOnIt: right, let me know when you do

All4Fun: okay ;)

(All4Fun has logged off)

I'mOnIt: wait Kwazii Cat GET UP THERE AND CLEAN THAT HQ :/ 

A/N) Three short and random ways that phones cause havoc on the Octopod. Poor befuddled Tweak XD

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