95) Pokemon... "Go Away, Kwazii!"

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An idea that was persuaded to me ages ago by @AdrianImpalaMata and @K9oftheTwoStrings... I regret nothing XD

I hope you enjoy!

Where Kwazii discovers Pokemon Go. Enough said.

Online: FastAndFearless, AccordingToTheAccordian, GoodAsNew, JumpingJellyfish, SaySeaweed, GamerGirl

FastAndFearless: it's there!

FastAndFearless: guys, look, it's sitting right there!

GoodAsNew: Kwazii, I can't see anything

GoodAsNew: just the - HQ, as normal

GamerGirl: Peso, it's just Kwazii with that game

GoodAsNew: ohhh okay :)

GoodAsNew: I was beginning to think I might have to give Kwazii a checkup then, just in case he really was seeing things :P

FastAndFearless: YAASS CAUGHT IT

FastAndFearless: tell me I'm a genius, guys

FastAndFearless: I've been trying to catch a Scyther for yeaaars

GamerGirl: (two hours)

AccordingToTheAccordian: oh, don't tell me you're obsessed with something else now, Kwazii

AccordingToTheAccordian: it always lasts about a week and then you're moving onto the next thing

AccordingToTheAccordian: first Crossy Road, now this

FastAndFearless: this is different!

FastAndFearless: this is better

FastAndFearless: this is my life now

FastAndFearless: Calico Kwazii, the daring Pokémon trainer that loses no battle with any sea ghost who may wish to challenge the master!

GamerGirl: oh brother

FastAndFearless: you all need to get Pokémon Go, it's increddddible

FastAndFearless: tweak, you're a gaming genie, tell them!

GamerGirl: uh, Kwaz, I think Pokémon Go was kind of last year where gaming is concerned

GamerGirl: I only downloaded it onto the OctoPhones because you saw a live stream and bullied me into doing it

FastAndFearless: I take back the gaming genie comment :/

FastAndFearless: now you neeeeed to get the app so you can join my gym and I can battle you and beat you, ears

GamerGirl: sure thing, Kwaz, you'd beat me

SaySeaweed: what is Pokémon Go anyway?

GamerGirl: it's just this phone game where you go around and collect Pokémon in different places and battle and stuff

GamerGirl: i never really approved of it because it makes you exercise accidentally and I'm not down for that :P

GamerGirl: like, people walk actual miles through cities just to catch pokemon

AccordingToTheAccordian: what has the world come to?

FastAndFearless: just to catch pokemon?

FastAndFearless: just?!

FastAndFearless: Pokémon Go was meant for me

JumpingJellyfish: it was not meant for me

JumpingJellyfish: i crash into things just walking around anyway

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