71) Nothing Can Wake Dashi

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A/N) Where Shellington and Tweak test their theory that nothing can wake Dashi from her beauty sleep...

Online: DynamicDiscoveries, I'mOnIt

I'mOnIt: Shellington? That you?

DynamicDiscoveries: hey Tweak, didn't realise you were on this early

I'mOnIt: even I didn't realise I was on this early

I'mOnIt: I don't think it's had time to hit my brain yet

I'mOnIt: it's just not natural being up this early

DynamicDiscoveries: I know

DynamicDiscoveries: even dashi doesn't get up this early

I'mOnIt: yeah, and we have a sneaking suspicion that she's secretly an android

DynamicDiscoveries: there again, she always wakes up at the same time

DynamicDiscoveries: she has a very specific routine

I'mOnIt: yeah, so she can get her all-important 'beauty sleep'

I'mOnIt: I gave up on any hope of getting beauty sleep a long time ago

I'mOnIt: probably when I realised I liked staying up late playing video games and sleeping in late in the morning

I'mOnIt: plus I don't really have any beauty to speak of XD

DynamicDiscoveries: nothing can wake dashi when she's asleep, though

DynamicDiscoveries: believe me, I've tried

I'mOnIt: oh yeah, once she's asleep, she's really asleep - and generally stays asleep, if she can help it

DynamicDiscoveries: I mean she does tend to wear headphones to block out noise when she sleeps, so that might be part of it

I'mOnIt: she told me she fell asleep listening to whale music a couple of nights ago

I'mOnIt: I mean, I'm as much a fan of whale singing as the next gal, but i'm not sure I could fall asleep listening to it

DynamicDiscoveries: no, it does tend to be a bit - moany

DynamicDiscoveries: though dashi assures me it's very restful

I'mOnIt: hmm

I'mOnIt: not sure I'm convinced

DynamicDiscoveries: have you noticed that Dashi doesn't normally go out on night missions

DynamicDiscoveries: occasionally they wake me up for my scientific intel on these matters

I'mOnIt: and I'm the one to generally get woken up to open the OctoHatch

DynamicDiscoveries; but I think the Captain's too wise to wake Dashi up to go on a night mission

DynamicDiscoveries: she's really chirpy and friendly by day, but at night - who knows?

I'mOnIt: probably, knowing her, she's super chirpy at night as well

I'mOnIt: dashi's probably a night person AND a morning person


DynamicDiscoveries: come to think of it, you never really see her after about nine at night

DynamicDiscoveries: she does all the night checks on the Octopod controls up in HQ, then she always goes to bed at nine, reads for a while then goes to sleep

I'mOnIt: you see, I have no specific routine at night

I'mOnIt: other than - try not to yawn too much, play video games until my eyes hurt, occasionally creep up to the kitchen and ask a Vegimal for a snack, then fall asleep past midnight

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