11) Happy - Birthday?

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Where Kwazii tries to celebrate Tweak' s birthday repeatedly and Tweak has a new excuse for getting out of doing things she doesn't want to do.... :)

07 :32, Saturday 12th Nov

Online: Crunchy_carrots, Daredevil_dude

Daredevil_dude: good morning tweak!! :)

Crunchy_carrots: too early - go away

Daredevil_dude: don't you want to celebrate your special day?

Crunchy_carrots: what the fried carrot sticks are you talking about kwazii

Daredevil_dude: your special day?

Crunchy_carrots: Are you proposing to me Kwazii??

Daredevil_dude: what? no! It's your birthday!

Crunchy_carrots: oh. hang on what?

Daredevil_dude: I got you carrot cake!

Crunchy_carrots: it's not my birthday kwazii

Daredevil_dude: yes it is

Crunchy_carrots: er - no it's not

Daredevil_dude: Are you sure?

Crunchy_carrots: I think I'd know when my own birthday is kwazii

Daredevil_dude: But I marked it on my calendar from when you told me last year

Crunchy_carrots: Well you marked it wrong then didn't you.

Daredevil_dude: I guess...

Crunchy_carrots: I'll have the carrot cake anyway though :p

Daredevil_dude: oh okay

Crunchy_carrots: ...

Daredevil_dude: do you still want the carrot cake?

Crunchy_carrots: yes please :)

Crunchy_carrots: can I go back to bed now?

Daredevil_dude: yeah sure

10:15, Wednesday 16th Nov

Online: Crunchy_carrots, Daredevil_dude

Daredevil_dude: Hey tweak, I got tickets for this pirate go kart race for tomorrow, wanna come with me?

Crunchy_carrots: Hey I'd - er - love to, but ... It's my birthday you see.

Daredevil_dude: oh I didn't know

Crunchy_carrots: So I'd rather not if you don't mind

Daredevil_dude: that's fine matey it's your special day

Crunchy_carrots: thx kwazii :)

Daredevil_dude: I'll take peso instead I guess

08:48, Sunday 20th Nov

Online: Daredevil_dude, Crunchy_carrots

Daredevil_dude: would you like to come out driving with me tweak?

Crunchy_carrots: much as I enjoy watching you nearly kill yourself multiple times, I was thinking to go and get some cake. It's my birthday you know

Daredevil_dude: But I thought you said it was your birthday on Wednesday?

Crunchy_carrots: did i?

Daredevil_dude: I think so..

Crunchy_carrots: nah it's my birthday today

Daredevil_dude: i wrote it down and everything...

Crunchy_carrots: I don't remember that.

Daredevil_dude: I must be wrong

Crunchy_carrots: anyway I'm going to go get cake

Daredevil_dude: that's fine it's your birthday

02:08, Tuesday 22nd Nov

Online: Crunchy_carrots, Daredevil_dude

Daredevil_dude: what on earth are you doing up at 2 in the morning?

Crunchy_carrots: oh hi kwazii I'm eating biscuits

Daredevil_dude: er - why?

Crunchy_carrots: it's my birthday!

Daredevil_dude: you definitely said your birthday was two days ago

Crunchy_carrots: Are you sure?

Daredevil_dude: yes

Crunchy_carrots: want a biscuit?

Daredevil_dude: why do you keep telling me it's your birthday???

Crunchy_carrots: who said a girl can only have one birthday a year?

Daredevil_dude:  pretty sure that's an unspoken rule

Crunchy_carrots: oh okay

Daredevil_dude: So all this time it hasn't been your birthday at all

Crunchy_carrots: I don't think so. maybe?

Daredevil_dude: Well it's kind of hard to keep up

Daredevil_dude: just tell me when your real birthday is

Crunchy_carrots: I don't need presents

Daredevil_dude: you've been using your birthday as an excuse to get out of things!!

Crunchy_carrots: - yes :)

Daredevil_dude: date. now.

Crunchy_carrots: Is that asking me to date you or asking for the date of my birthday?

Daredevil_dude: wha?

Daredevil_dude: your birthday

Daredevil_dude: although...

Crunchy_carrots: my actual birthday is July 2nd

Daredevil_dude: No that's my birthday

Crunchy_carrots: oh yeah, I get mixed up between the two sometimes

Daredevil_dude: Are you going to tell me?

Crunchy_carrots: no I don't think so

Daredevil_dude: how do you even know my birthday

Crunchy_carrots: lucky guess?

Daredevil_dude: no.

Crunchy_carrots: I know these things. I have mystical powers.

Daredevil_dude: just tell me when your birthday is

Crunchy_carrots: nope

Crunchy_carrots: keep guessing!

Crunchy_carrots: you'll get it eventually

Daredevil_dude: I hate you.

Crunchy_carrots: you love me. plus, it's my birthday!

Daredevil_dude: :/

Just realised I did two Twazii chapters in quick succession without realising it...

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