36) Dance Like Nobody's Watching

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A/N) This is sort of a sequel to 'My List Of Things That Are Pink' as people said they really wanted to see Shellington forced to dance a cowboy dance with Tweak and Dashi wearing matching pink bandanas. So ... here you go!

Online: HopToIt, PrettyPinkPhotographer, ScottishScientist

PrettyPinkPhotographer: shel

ScottishScientist: No

PrettyPinkPhotographer: shelllll

ScottishScientist: No

PrettyPinkPhotographer: shellly

ScottishScientist: No!

HopToIt: you know you secretly want to, deep down

ScottishScientist; very very very deep down

PrettyPinkPhotographer; please shel

PrettyPinkPhotographer: we can't do it without you

HopToIt: it needs three people and you're the youngest and most fun

ScottishScientist: flattery won't work on me (much)

ScottishScientist: and anyway, your statement is inaccurate tweak, I'm not the youngest on the ship, peso is

ScottishScientist: get him to do it, he's more enthusiastic about these things

PrettyPinkPhotographer: But he's too shy and small

HopToIt: we've worked so hard on choreographing it

HopToIt: I could have been inventing something instead

ScottishScientist: why did you have to do it for three people?

PrettyPinkPhotographer: we thought we'd be able to get three people to do it

PrettyPinkPhotographer: I even went out and specifically bought the bandanas

HopToIt: and I went into my storage cupboard and found three pairs of cowboy boots

ScottishScientist: why do you even have three pairs of cowboy boots???

HopToIt: you never know when it might come in useful - like now

HopToIt: plus, cowboy dancing is big where I grew up

ScottishScientist: you see, I grew up in Scotland, where they do Scottish Dancing*

PrettyPinkPhotographer; with bagpipes and things?

ScottishScientist: yeah

HopToIt: you see, that's nearly the same

HopToIt: it's still dancing, right?

ScottishScientist: But I'm not very good at dancing

PrettyPinkPhotographer: sure you are shelly

PrettyPinkPhotographer; Anyway, I'll help you!

HopToIt: ooh, there's an offer you can't refuse, shellington :)

PrettyPinkPhotographer: shut up tweak

PrettyPinkPhotographer: please shellington

PrettyPinkPhotographer; it'd mean a lot to me

ScottishScientist; well....

PrettyPinkPhotographer; I'd love you forever...?!

HopToIt: ooh that really is an offer you can't refuse shellington, an offer of undying love from Dashi

ScottishScientist: fine

PrettyPinkPhotographer: YAYAYAYAYAYAY

PrettyPinkPhotographer: THANK YOU SO MUCH SHELLY

HopToIt: yeah, what she said

PrettyPinkPhotographer: I could kiss you!

HopToIt: me too, though I won't, so as not to make my best friend jealous

HopToIt: he's all yours, Dashi

ScottishScientist: ... What have I let myself in for...?

PrettyPinkPhotographer: oh... And one other thing, Shellington?

ScottishScientist: yes?

PrettyPinkPhotographer: the bandanas are pink

ScottishScientist: ... great ...

HopToIt: I'll go and get the cowboy hats and set up the music!!!

(HopToIt has logged out)

ScottishScientist: I'm not very sure about this Dashi

PrettyPinkPhotographer: aww don't worry Shelly, you'll be fine

PrettyPinkPhotographer: Just dance like nobody's watching, that's what I do

PrettyPinkPhotographer: it's easy

ScottishScientist: hmm if you say so

PrettyPinkPhotographer: honest, Shel

PrettyPinkPhotographer: it'll be fun

PrettyPinkPhotographer: now let's go and meet tweak in the leisure room

PrettyPinkPhotographer: it's time to dance

ScottishScientist: Here goes nothing...

*A little later*

PrettyPinkPhotographer: tell me that wasn't amazing fun!!!

HopToIt: it worked! Our awesome choreography worked

PrettyPinkPhotographer: you were really good shel!

ScottishScientist: ... if you say so

PrettyPinkPhotographer: and I think pink suits you!

ScottishScientist: hmm I'll stick to blue thanks

(TheKwaz has logged on)

TheKwaz: Hey

PrettyPinkPhotographer: Hey kwazii you can add to your Things That Are Pink list now

PrettyPinkPhotographer: I got Shel to wear a pink bandana with me and Tweaky to dance the cowboy dance!

TheKwaz: I know, I was taking photos with your camera

TheKwaz: this is gonna make such good blackmail material :)

ScottishScientist: ... oh no

ScottishScientist: I am never going to live this down

PrettyPinkPhotographer: Hey don't worry shel, you got me :)

PrettyPinkPhotographer: and I enjoyed it

ScottishScientist: honestly Dashi, the things I do for you :/

(*I have done Scottish dancing nearly all my life in a club at school - it is so fun)

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