70) An Easter Egg Infestation

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A/N) Where Dashi decides that Easter means an Easter egg hunt across the Octopod and that everyone has to join in. Because that's just the sort of thing Dashi likes to do with her spare time.

Online: I'mOnIt, DynamicDiscoveries, CallMeCaptain, All4Fun, Safe&Secure

I'mOnIt: I think that maybe I'm going mad

DynamicDiscoveries: when did you reach that conclusion?

All4Fun: for the record I've known that for years

I'mOnIt: , oy, watch it kwaz

I'mOnIt: and the reason is that I just found an egg in the Gup A

CallMeCaptain: ... an egg?

I'mOnIt: an egg

DynamicDiscoveries: ... any particular kind of egg?

I'mOnIt: I didn't inspect it at length, but I think it's a chocolate egg

CallMeCaptain: either that or we have an escaped chicken on the Octopod

Safe&Secure: Maybe the sea snake came back and decided to lay her eggs here again?

All4Fun: yeah, because that went so well last time, didn't it?

I'mOnIt: somehow, I think that the fact they're wrapped up in shiny pink foil with chicks decorating it cancels that hypothesis out

DynamicDiscoveries: You're starting to sound like me XD

I'mOnIt: ... guys, I just found another one

I'mOnIt: it rolled under the Launch Bay desktop

I'mOnIt: this one's got a duckling on it

Safe&Secure: chocolate again?

I'mOnIt: only one way to find out...

I'mOnIt: ... mmm, yup, definitely chocolate :D

CallMeCaptain: I think I might know what's going on

All4Fun: jxdfgsjuufdg

I'mOnIt: Kwazii?

All4Fun: I just opened my wardrobe and four eggs fell out on top of me!

Safe&Secure: are you hurt?

All4Fun: thanks for the concern, Peso, but they're only chocolate eggs not cannonballs

CallMeCaptain: I just found one under my bed

Safe&Secure: the giant clam in the Sick Bay has just opened up and there's a egg inside his shell

DynamicDiscoveries: I just tripped over one

All4Fun: no surprise there then, shellington

DynamicDiscoveries: ;)

(InkCloud has logged on)

InkCloud: I don't usually ask, but is there a reason that I have just found eight wrapped eggs hiding behind various books up in the library?

CallMeCaptain: we're all finding them, professor

I'mOnIt: I've found another one in the engine room

DynamicDiscoveries: I just tripped over another one :S

DynamicDiscoveries: actually, I think it's the same one again

Safe&Secure: I think mine just hatched

CallMeCaptain: um - okay peso

Safe&Secure: oh wait, this one's a real egg

Safe&Secure: I'd better return it to its mum

Safe&Secure: whatever its mum is

CallMeCaptain: It must be Easter! I completely forgot

I'mOnIt: of course! Its time changes every year, and I always forget when it is

All4Fun: who really knows the date when you're travelling around the ocean?

I'mOnIt: but there is someone who would know when Easter is, like she somehow does for every single occasion all year around

I'mOnIt: and she also happens not to be here at the moment

Safe&Secure: Dashi!

I'mOnIt: Ya got it, Peso ;)

(SweetAsSugar has logged on)

SweetAsSugar: hey guys, what's up?

CallMeCaptain: Dashi, have you been putting chocolate eggs all around the Octopod?

SweetAsSugar: hehe ... I thought it would take longer for you guys to notice

SweetAsSugar: Happy Easter, by the way

All4Fun: well, it's not hard to notice when there appears to be eggs everywhere

All4Fun: even with my amazing powers of observation

SweetAsSugar: I've set up an Easter egg hunt around the Octopod, like we always used to do when I was young with my family!

CallMeCaptain: oh that's really nice, Dashi :)

CallMeCaptain: certainly a very tasty surprise, anyway

SweetAsSugar: I knew you'd all enjoy it!

SweetAsSugar: I got up early this morning and started hiding eggs everywhere

SweetAsSugar: some are better hidden than others, I guess

I'mOnIt: but they're literally everywhere!

I'mOnIt: exactly how many did you get?

I'mOnIt: and how did you hide them all without any of us waking up?

SweetAsSugar: well, it's not exactly hard with you, Tweak, you sleep like a log

SweetAsSugar: I managed to slip one in your bed when you turned over

I'mOnIt: huh?

I'mOnIt: oh - you're right

SweetAsSugar: and i'm good at tiptoing around in the mornings

SweetAsSugar: as for how many - I ordered about a hundred, I think

CallMeCaptain: a hundred?!

DynamicDiscoveries: we're going to be finding eggs around the Octopod for months now

SweetAsSugar: hehe oops?

(ShipsCook has logged on)

ShipsCook: Tominnow just found an egg in a sausepan

ShipsCook: which would be farly normal if it wasn't a choklat one

ShipsCook: codish just found another one in the oven

(BabyVeggie has logged on)

BabyVeggie: there's an Eeeester egg hunt?

CallMeCaptain: uh oh

ShipsCook: Grouber just heard you, Codish ....

I'mOnIt: double uh oh

ShipsCook: Vegimals, find those eggs!

BabyVeggie: YAAAAYY!!!

CallMeCaptain: dashi, what have you started?

SweetAsSugar: sorry ;D

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