64) Christmas Hats

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A/N) Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all have an fantastic time!

Where Dashi goes a little - overboard with Christmas preparations...

Online: SweetAsSugar, I'mOnIt, All4Fun, DynamicDiscoveries, CallMeCaptain, InkCloud, Safe&Secure, ShipsCook

SweetAsSugar: it's Christmas Eve, guys!

SweetAsSugar: we have to make this the best Christmas ever!

I'mOnIt: good morning, Dashi...

I'mOnIt: why are you texting us all at quarter to seven on Christmas Eve?

I'mOnIt: I will get up early on Christmas Day, but not today

SweetAsSugar: But today we need to prepare!!

SweetAsSugar: that includes making us all Christmassy as well, like the ship is already

InkCloud: You are not hanging baubles on my tentacles like you did last year.

SweetAsSugar: you did look good though ;)

InkCloud: No. Besides, I am in the Christmas spirit this year, I promise. I'm wearing my Christmas jumper, aren't I?

Safe&Secure: oh, the maroon reindeer one that Dashi knitted you last Christmas and then made you wear it under extreme duress?

InkCloud: That's the one.

SweetAsSugar: Well, I'm wearing my pink 'Ho Ho Ho' Christmas jumper, I have bauble earrings, I have tinsel wrapped around my neck as a scarf, and I'm wearing the most important thing of all, a Christmas hat!!

DynamicDiscoveries: it's all true, you know

DynamicDiscoveries: I'm sitting with her in the HQ, and she's already draped tinsel around my neck, and given me one of her many Christmas hats

All4Fun: okay Dashi, you don't have to make us all feel unChristmassy just because we're not as Christmassy as you

Safe&Secure: we can never be as Christmassy as Dashi

SweetAsSugar: XD

CallMeCaptain: Dashi always takes charge over Christmas time, doesn't she?

I'mOnIt: and she does do it well, if a little overboard at times

SweetAsSugar: okay, everyone on this ship shall wear Christmas hats.

SweetAsSugar: we shall create a new world where everyone has Christmas hats at Christmas

SweetAsSugar: it shall be beautiful.

I'mOnIt: see what I mean?

CallMeCaptain: XD

SweetAsSugar: any problems? I should have already left some in people's rooms

SweetAsSugar: I made some small ones for the Vegimals too!

ShipsCook: ok, I'll go giv them out!

SweetAsSugar: thanks Tunip!

I'mOnIt: er, Dashi, there's a slight problem with mine...

SweetAsSugar: Christmas hats have no problems!!

I'mOnIt: Well, my ears are a little too long to fit in it...?

SweetAsSugar: hmm

SweetAsSugar: Well, can't you do something about your ears?

I'mOnIt: Can't you do something about your hats?

SweetAsSugar: No

I'mOnIt: Well can I have two hats then, one for each ear? XD

SweetAsSugar: what do you usually do for hats? I've seen you wear hats before.

I'mOnIt: I cut ear shaped holes in them so my ears can poke through

I'mOnIt: to be fair, I normally design all the hats I usually wear anyway, so they're normally ear-friendly.

SweetAsSugar: fine, cut holes in them then for your ears

I'mOnIt: yes Dashi :)

Safe&Secure: my hat's a little too big for me

Safe&Secure: it falls down over my eyes

SweetAsSugar: that's fine, you'll deal

All4Fun: Christmas hats aren't very piratey, are they

All4Fun: can I wear my pirate hat instead

SweetAsSugar: everyone must wear Christmas hats!!

All4Fun: But -

SweetAsSugar: just wear the damn hat, will you? >:/

All4Fun: okay, okay, Dashi. I'll wear the hat... (just don't kill me)

SweetAsSugar: heehee thank you Kwazii :)

Safe&Secure: dashi can be scary when she wants to be :0

SweetAsSugar: that's right ;)

SweetAsSugar: now, has anyone else got any problems with their hats?

DynamicDiscoveries: Well, mine's too -

SweetAsSugar: Shellington Sea Otter

DynamicDiscoveries: joking! ... joking

CallMeCaptain: Well mine fits fine. It's a lot warmer than my captain's hat, that's for sure!

SweetAsSugar: thank you Captain, at least someone isn't trying to fight the invasion of the Christmas hats

Safe&Secure: you know, calling it an invasion doesn't exactly help...

SweetAsSugar: right, do we have everything?

SweetAsSugar: the decorations are up, Tunip's making the food, we all have our hats on, and all presents are wrapped and under the Christmas tree

SweetAsSugar: I think we're nearly ready for Christmas Day!

All4Fun: *nearly* ready ...?

SweetAsSugar: ... now just for the Christmas jumpers!

I'mOnIt: oh no...

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