39) Undersea Heatwave

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When the Octonauts experience a rare undersea heatwave and don't enjoy it very much...
Just a short one based on the prompt: 'Describe how it feels to sleep in a heat wave. Don't use the words "hot" or "humid."

Online: TheKwaz, PrettyPinkPhotographer, SuperStrength, ScottishScientist

TheKwaz: ... It's so so so warm

SuperStrength: I think this fact has been verified already

TheKwaz; you know, I think I might even favour the icy waters of Antarctica over this

SuperStrength: the last time we were in Antarctica you said you'd give anything to be in a heatwave!

TheKwaz: Well ... I was delusional

TheKwaz: anything is better than this

ScottishScientist; I though you liked the heat kwazii

TheKwaz: yes shellington, I like the heat, I do not favour being BOILED ALIVE

PrettyPinkPhotographer: oh don't be so dramatic Kwazii

TheKwaz; the Octopod's been turned into a giant oven!

ScottishScientist; it's only a heatwave

ScottishScientist; it's a natural phenomenon that can often occur in summer in Mediterranean waters like these

(HopToIt has logged on)

SuperStrength; any news tweak?

TheKwaz: please say it's good news

HopToIt: er... hate to tell you guys this, but it could take a while to fix the air cooler and the water cooler

TheKwaz: Nnnnnooooo

TheKwaz: tweak please

TheKwaz; you have to do something

TheKwaz: I think I'm melting

PrettyPinkPhotographer; melting, kwazii?

PrettyPinkPhotographer: I find that somewhat difficult to believe

TheKwaz; I hate heatwaves :/

SuperStrength: Is there actually anything you won't complain about kwazii

SuperStrength: the heat, the cold...

TheKwaz: I'm as much in favour of different weathers as the next cat, but what I'm not favoured in is EXCESSIVE AMOUNTS OF IT

ScottishScientist; actually this is fairly normal for a heatwave

ScottishScientist; places can get much hotter than this

TheKwaz: stop beating me down with your scientifical facts!

ScottishScientist; okay ;)

ScottishScientist: just trying to help

ScottishScientist: I'll go and check on the Vegimals

(ScottishScientist has logged out)

TheKwaz: thanks, but no

TheKwaz: there's no helping me now

TheKwaz; you might as well just leave me

PrettyPinkPhotographer: since when did you become such a drama queen kwaz

SuperStrength: you obviously haven't been listening to him when he rants about boredom

PrettyPinkPhotographer: I think I just tune most of it out by now honestly ;)

(ScottishScientist has logged on)

ScottishScientist; don't worry everyone! The Vegimals have a plan!

ShipsCook: we still have some ice cream left from last week!

TheKwaz: we're saved!!!

TheKwaz: gimme gimme gimme ...

VegimalsUnited: cming up!

ScottishScientist; you mean 'coming', Vegimals

TheKwaz: I am coming my beautiful ice cream!!!!

A/N) Hehe poor Kwazii. It's true he doesn't seem to like any weather, like in the Saltwater Crocodile episode!

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