2.I am dangerous

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Y/Ns pov

"You saw her fight?", Silcos voice was so much lower than I would have ever expected, it was deep, yet, refined, like most people in Piltover.

The girl darted her eyes between me and Silco, she sat onto the table just in front of him, making me a little uncomfortable with how close they both were.

I didn't know much about Silco, just a few random things that I heard street pals talking about. He was an industrialist, creator of shimmer, killed the former owner of this pub, took over the last drop, and made himself the other Chem-Baron of Zaun.

She hummed proudly, twirling the edge of her braids in between her fingers, her eyes looking at me as if I was her next meal.

I shifted in my place, tugging onto my leather jacket slightly trying to ignore the awkwardness as Silco examinated my figure, probably trying to see if I met his expectations for a new henchman.

" Are you sure she is the right choice, Jinx?", his eyes finally left my figure letting me let out a breath I was holding in from the angst. I usually wouldn't be so nervous, but this was Silco we're talking about, he has men in every corner of the undercity.

I knew he thought that I was not suitable to be one of his henchmen, I wasn't professionally trained or instructed how to deal with any kind of industrial stuff, but the way he trusted Jinx made me question their relationship, father and daughter, maybe?

The girl pouted, her brows knitted together, "why? Don't you trust me?".

Silco glanced at me once more, his eyes squinting almost unnoticeably," fine, you can have Sevika or Ran train her first", he grabbed his papers still not taking his gaze away from me, I felt odd, he looked at me as if he knew who I was.

I ignored the odd feeling in my chest, focusing on the fact that I just got a job and now work for Silco himself. What really worried me was the way the blue-haired girl stared at me, her eyes stabbed daggers into my body and I shifted once again.

"Where are you from, child?", Silco finally acknowledged my presence with a question that I didn't know how to answer. Was I supposed to lie? Say that I'm from Zaun? He will make me leave if I told him I was from the topside, wouldn't he?

" here", I dared to look him straight into the eyes, that wasn't entirely a lie, I lived in Zaun for seven years now, making me eighteen years old.

You might be confused why would I live in Zaun if I was born in Pitlover? Well, the answer is easy, after my mom died no one bothered to take care of me, they tried to send me to the orphanage, I wasn't made for the topside, so I ran away and spent the whole five years trying to survive here. To find out what really happened to my mother.

I never came even close though, so I began thinking that it was just a waste of time. I gave up. Yet, one day I overheard Silcos henchmen talking about an incident that happened around the time my mother died, and that's why I was here, not refusing to work for Silco even if this girl stared at me like she will eat me alive.

Silco nodded," what about your parents?", he took his eyes off me, piling up the papers beside the girl's figure.

"Dead", I mumbled under my breath just enough for him and the girl to hear.

He hummed lowly, just as a tall woman stepped into his office, behind her an emo-looking person shut the door with a thud," who's this kid?", the muscular woman walked over to me, glaring at me with her small eyes and I glared back.

Silco glanced at the girl beside him that was glaring at the woman near me, with a sigh he spoke," Shes a new worker, you'll train her".

Before the woman could complain he lifted his hand up gesturing to stop whatever she was about to say," I'm your boss, you do as I say".

The woman scoffed with another glare to me, "tomorrow. Four in the morning, downstairs, if you're late I'll leave without you", her voice showed me that she was clearly irritated.

I nodded not taking my eyes off her and not letting her dominate me. The sound of metal clanking got my attention. The girl who was sitting on Silcos table just a few moments ago now was almost by my side," let's go", she grabbed my hand, glaring at the woman.

She led me out of the office, taking me God knows where. I blinked a few times, coming back to my senses and shoving my hand out of her grip," what the fuck do you think you're doing?", I scoffed backing away from her and looking around the pub, maybe I'll find a nice lady to enjoy my time with.

The girl huffed out angrily, grabbing my hand even though I tried to get away from her calmly," give me your hand", she demanded trying to catch my hands that I wiggled around trying to get away from hers.

"No", I gritted out silly poking my tongue out, annoying her more.

She stopped finally, the childish vibe she had was replaced by something I didn't entirely understand. Before I could walk away she grabbed me by my shoulders, shoving me against the wall so hard that my head began aching after it hit the hard surface," I got you a job, you should be thankful for that", she spat into my face that was inches from hers.

Her body was pressed so hard against mine that it was almost hard to breathe, but I hid that, narrowing my eyes at her, "what's your problem?", I blurted out, this girl made me beyond confused right now, how her mood changed so fast was unsettling.

Her body tensed after she realized what position we were in, not even talking of how close we were to each other now, basically sharing the same breath.

I shoved her off of me with the whole strength I had, to my luck she stumbled back and let me go.
My hand grabbed my bat and I left the pub not even sparing her a glance.


"You know, you can always stay at my place", Caitlyn plopped onto the cement stairs of her house.

She's the only friend I ever had, we used to train shooting rifles when we were younger. Cait was older than me, she and her parent knew my mother and that's how we became close. She's been trying to push me into staying at her big mansion. But as I said life in Piltover just wasn't my cup of tea.

I chuckled plopping beside her, beer in my hands as I swung it and chugged the liquid. If anyone saw me drinking in the topside I'd be arrested since it's against the law to drink in the streets moreover, I'm underage. To my luck, it was in the middle of the night, Cait snuck out to see me, the uniform she usually wore now was replaced by light PJs.

" you know that I can't", I looked down at the cobblestone, jabbing a tiny rock with my beer bottle and placing my cheek onto my knee.

Cait scoffed gesturing her hands aggressively, "yes, you can, you just don't want to admit it", her refined British voice comforted me, even though she was clearly angry.

She was like a big sister to me, yet, I haven't told her about what happened today or that from now on I'll be working for Silco and committing crimes daily. Cait was the only enforcer I didn't hate, how could I? She's the only one to be there for me after my mother died.

" whatever", I sighed sitting up straight, in an hour I was supposed to show up in The last drop, I knew I'll get the shit beat out of me since the best way I could fight was with my bat and I'm sure the grumpy woman won't let me use that on her. Definitely.

Cait gripped my hand, forcing me to look at her, "I just...", she paused, searching for the right words," I don't want you to get hurt out there, it's dangerous", her eyes flashed with worry and sadness, I just ignored it. Snapping my hand out of her grip and looked away.

"I am dangerous, Cait".

Louder than bombs, Jinx x oc fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now