4. Attack

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A/N: HeY, sweethearts, just wanted to tell y'all that I'm going to start updating twice a week since I want to take my time and update better quality chapters <33

Y/Ns pov

"What did you do?", The woman whose name was Sevika, at least that's what Jinx told me, turned to us as she placed Ran's arm around her shoulder, dragging the woman onto a bench.

" don't look at me, she did it", Jinx held her hands up in defense, nodding her head in my direction.

I uncrossed my arms letting them fall to my sides as my face wrinkled and I let out a scoff at the girl who blamed me so easily," She started it!", I pointed my finger at Ran, who now laid on the bench after Sevika placed her there.

The woman's eyes fell onto my figure, examining me carefully. She thought for a few seconds before speaking again, "if she tries to kill you after she wakes up, it's your own fault", Sevika pointed her index finger at me, warning. To be honest, I didn't feel frightened in any way, if that woman would come at me again, I'd totally beat her ass with my bat.

I shrugged, the bat in my hands behind my shoulders as I leaned my head onto the dark wood, with a small hum I nodded, not really caring about Sevikas warning. I would be lying if I said I wasn't uneasy around these women. They were different. Ran was an easy beat, I didn't know a lot about Sevika but she looked like a woman who wouldn't be afraid to show you your place. The real fright was the blue-haired girl beside me, her cheeks still flushed red from my words.

I wasn't trying to get into her pants, I only loved to tease her and now I knew her weakness.

An image slid into my mind of her being a whimpering mess under me, moaning my name as I show her heaven and pure bliss. My head shook away the thought, feeling stupid and annoyed at the way she made me feel after we only talked twice this whole time.

After I guessed that Sevika had nothing more to say, my heels turned and I began walking towards the exit of this old arcade," where do you think you're going?", to my disappointment, the big woman questioned stopping me in my tracks.

I sighed in annoyance, turning to face her again with a questionable facial expression, my brows frowned hard as I darted my eyes between Jinx and Sevika, waiting for an answer," you work for Silco now, today you get your first job, kid", she walked up to me, shoving black fingerless gloves into my chest and adjusting the sack behind her shoulder.

I grunted at the impact, stumbling almost unnoticeably," but I just started training!", my gaze fell onto Jinx as I yelled to Sevika who was now outside the building.

Jinx stood there staring at me, looking so still and focused as if she wasn't in this world anymore," you both better get your asses to hurry the fuck up, before I leave you!", Sevika shouted bringing us both back to the real world.


"Alright, you take this", Sevika shoved a wooden box into my chest for the second time today making me huff out in frustration. I turned around slowly roaming my eyes around the area and glancing over the edge of this strange building we got on top a few minutes ago.

It was tall, enough to not let us see the lanes anymore," set those everywhere, hide them behind every corner you can", the tall woman crouched near some wooden barrels and boxes, pulling out one of the dynamites and placing it behind the nearest box.

I glared at the way Jinxs boots clanked as she finally set her feet onto the roof being overly dramatic, tiny giggles leaving her mouth after seeing my eyes roll, indicating that she succeeded in annoying me," show-off", I blurted out, more like mumbling under my breath, enough for Jinx to hear.

She poked her tongue out, walking past me without any boxed in her hands, only what looked like poorly made bombs hooked around her belts clanked together," you made them yourself?", I crouched down following Sevikas actions and set up a trap for whoever pissed off Silco and his gang. My brow rose while I watched Jinx through the corners of my eyes as she set up her own trap near me.

The focused girl understood what I was talking about and let out a proud 'yup' with an arrogant smile on her face, "no wonder they look like shit", I chuckled to myself turning my focus back onto the dynamite.

I was lying, her bombs made me impressed. Little doodles covered them, pink and blue neon crayons brought warmth to my heart forcing me to miss the feeling of being a child.

A child without no worries and problems, staying at home playing and drawing with oil crayons. I once used to live like that. Back when I didn't need to worry about where would I sleep every night or what will I eat every day. When I used to feel safe sleeping in my soft bed.

Jinx scoffed pulling me out of my depressing memories," where did you learn to swing your bat like that? Did your mother teach you?", she blurted out ignoring my offensive words.

"No", I paused for a second, reaching for the other dynamite," but she did teach me how to shoot a rifle", my hands set up the dynamite aggressively while I shot a warning look to her, hoping that she will stop acting odd and unsettling with me.

Yet, all she did was raise her brows with a grin on her face," you'll need to do more than that to scare me".

My face scrunched up with disbelief twisting in my stomach, the way she wasn't frightened of me wasn't normal and even more disturbing than before. I blinked a few times looking away, angst rushing through my body like flames of a fire and I clenched my fists onto my bat that I just grabbed, tiny pieces of it cutting right into my skin. As I tried to calm down, counting the stars that I made up in my own head.

I could feel Jinx's eyes burn into me, but before her hand could reach my shoulder someone's whistle startled us, forcing us to swing our heads in the direction the sound came from, "shit! The firelights!", Sevika yelled out getting my attention.

My brows crashed in the confusion of what these people were, but I knew one thing, that they were a problem to Silcos industry. I never saw one from this close though, only overheard some dudes talking about them.

Jinx pulled out her minigun and crashed her back into mine, both of us turning in a circle slowly watching and waiting for the firelights to attack. The buzzing of their boards around us made me distracted, but when one of the firelights flew just inches from my face I swung my bat, lunging the brat to the ground and off the building.

My shoulders tensed when Jinx swung her own gun taking another firelight off its overboard, forcing us to separate. I lunged my bat into the firelight on the ground, knocking her out cold.

Another firelight flew right past my head as I leaned back as hard as I could, shoving him off the board as soon as I straightened myself, "behind you!", Sevika yelled out getting my attention which was a bad idea because as soon as I turned, a stabbing pain shot through the side of my waist like an arrow.

A loud shriek escaped my lips, my eyes falling onto the firelight who took his spear away from me. He was ready to stab me completely this time, but before he could do that a bullet flew right into his temple, forcing his blood to splash all over my face as I held my wound tight.

Jinx stood near his body, panting slightly, her gun still aimed at the empty space where the firelight used to be," thanks", I grinned at her almost unnoticeably.

Her eyes met with my wound, the blood rushed out of it making me feel slightly dizzy and tired, but I stood still watching as her brows crashed together.

The firelights must've left as soon as they saw their friend getting shot right in the head and I let myself stumble a bit losing at least half of my balance and shoving myself against Jinx who was the closest thing I could lean on before I fell to the ground.

She embraced me by my torso, placing her palm onto my wound that I failed to hold because of my dizziness and pushing it hard against it to stop the bleeding," dont you dare to pass out", she whispered into my ear, adjusting me in her hold.

I nodded my head, giving my whole strength to help her limp with me, Sevika followed us behind with a head shake," you're going to stitch her up".

Louder than bombs, Jinx x oc fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now