15. A fun memory

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A/N: this chapter is short af and I feel like its crappy, but ENJOY!!! ALSO GOODNIGHT CUZ ITS FUCKING 5 AM.

Y/Ns pov.

"What do you mean she can't get my crayons?"

I listened as Jinx aggressively talked with the man in front of her. Both of his hands held the white sheets of paper, his eyes not bothering to spare a glance at the angry girl who sat on his table as always.

It's been a few days since I and Jinx had sex. After that, we both had chats and deep talks every day. They always started with her being bored, so she would force me to sit on the couch while she innocently sat on my lap and told me her whole life story. From the night some guy Vander took them in, to the part where Silco let her use his makeup.

I understood why she was the way she was. The world had broken her and Silco right here, was one of the bad things and the reason she's so destructive. I could see it from the first day I saw them both talking, he used manipulation to get what he wanted from her. Jinx was clever and fast, sometimes clumsy, yet, her inventions were brilliant.

As for the council member, Silco was incredibly mad, not at me though, Jinx had taken all the blame, telling him it was her that shot Salo in the face. I guess Sevika did not speak about it too.

" I told you, Sevika is busier than ever, Jinx", Silcos voice was low and I already got used to it.

The girl huffed out, blowing a loose strand of hair away from her face," So?! Make her get them", Jinx demanded angrily, both of her brows knitted forcing lines to appear on her forehead. Yet, I only stared at her, finding it cute the way she got all worked up just because Sevika couldn't get her some oil crayons.

Silco on the other hand found it irritating as he slammed his palm onto the table in front, finally letting his eyes meet Jinxs. But as they did they immediately got softer at the sight of her unhappy face. He brought his fingers up to his forehead as if trying to get rid of a headache and with a sigh, he spoke gently," she's dealing with shimmer shipment", then Silcos eyes found my figure," Y/N will get them for you".

My brows shot up at his sudden order. I felt pissed, having to go to the topside for some oil crayons seemed stupid and I'm not even going to start about how Caitlyn and Jayce might catch sight of me. They must be sick worried about me disappearing. But I had no choice, I was working for him and he was my boss.

Jinx's head turned to me as I sat on the couch, not very politely since both of my legs were crossed, folded under me slightly staining the fabric," fine, I'll go with her then".

She suddenly hopped off the table, stepped to me with a grin on her face, and grabbed my hand pulling me up. I didn't protest and followed her lead.

"Don't make a fuss topside, Jinx", with Silcos last words we left and made our way to the huge city of inventions.


" You know, toots, Im glad that we're both going topside!", Jinxs happily skipped beside me, her long braids flew each time and I began wondering how she kept it so long even in the toxic air of Zaun.

I gave her a slight nod with a tiny smile on my lips, trying to hide the nervousness. Thankfully, she didn't see it, yet, she began to feel bored," you never told me what happened to your parents".

My heart skipped a beat at her words and I bit my bottom lip harshly," my dad left when I was a kid and mom died in the lanes", one glance at her through my hood, forgetting about the fact that she didn't know I was from the topside," they never continued the investigation".

Jinx seemed to slow down a bit, something in her bored face changed, but I couldn't figure out what so I just let it be. Staring in front of me, watching as dozens of people went on with their day, smiling and laughing, enjoying their best life topside and not worrying about anything or anyone, I rolled my eyes, a part of me wishing I could still be with my mother just like these kids right here.

Yet, then my mind completely shut out the memories of my mother and turned to Jinxs instead. Once again I glanced at the girl, her side profile more beautiful than anything else I've ever seen in my life as she was lost in her own thoughts. I couldn't help but remember our time spent together.

She'd be so disappointed in me. My mother would never accept me being the way I am right now. She used to tell me how good I'd look with an Enforcers uniform, how stunning my smile would be while Im being promoted as a sheriff.

With a thought of that my gaze at Jinx dropped onto the old cobblestone road. And the whole way, silence between Jinx and I dominated.

Seven minutes pass and I feel Jinx grab my hand, pulling me harshly to the side, almost making me trip while she only squeaked at the sight of a fancy art supply store.

A tiny sound of a bell ringing above the door hugged my ears when we entered. A few people turned their attention to us but didn't stare any longer than a second when they saw Jinx, letting me know that it wasn't her first time at this place.

She didn't let go of my hand, forcing my stomach to twist with butterflies slightly while we walked through the whole store to the back.

"Hold this", Jinx shoved a dozen packs of oil crayons into my embrace, reaching for the others while some fell from my arms.

A quiet laugh escaped my lips accidentally, she looked cute and funny while trying to grab every pack from the shelf.  A sense of joy in my chest was new, yet, I loved it.

The smile on her face suited her, perhaps it was the reason I was giggling like a dork right now, not for too long though, there was the sad truth in my reality, I was here to find out about my mother and possibly kill Silco. Jinxs father figure, she'd never forgive me for that, yet, that wasn't my biggest problem. I couldn't bring myself to hurt her like that.

My grin dropped slowly, not letting Jinx notice the change in my mood. To my disappointment, she immediately turned to me with a frown on her face," what's wrong, toots?".

I hummed softly, flashing her a fake smile," nothing, keep going".


"I didn't know what flavor you like, but, ugh, here", Jinx hesitantly but fastly handed over the ice cream in a cone to me. Plopping onto the cement stairs beside me with her own, she began eating them with harsh licks.

" did you steal it?", I chuckled biting into the sweet and cold dessert, almost joking and teasing her after our running from the enforcers for a couple of crayons session.

The crazy girl giggles with a shake of her head," we should do this more often! It's fun!" Jinx nudged me with her elbow," you know what else is fun?".

My face heated a bit when she got closer to my ear,

" having sex"

Louder than bombs, Jinx x oc fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now