7.The midnight sky

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A/N: next chapter will finally be smut, also I wrote this late at night so forgive me for stupid grammar mistakes.

Y/Ns pov.

My head hung low as I strode through the streets of Zaun. The thick air filled my nose and lungs It's the feeling that I'd never forget in a million years.

That feeling of suffocating wasn't the only one I felt right now. A small portion of the inside of my chest twisted with paranoia, the feeling of someone watching me as if I was their prey was unsettling and I speed up my pace, enough to make my wound shoot stinging pain through my body.

Luckily, the sun wasn't down yet, even though it was one hour till midnight, making me see everything and everyone.

I glanced once over my shoulder making sure no one is following me from behind, and just as I did, my figure crashed with someone's slender one, forcing me to fall down on my ass and hiss in stabbing pain that was so much worse than before.

"Fuck", I held my wound harshly, a bit annoyed at the pain, yet, my head lifted and my eyes met with the ocean orbs that I loved and hated so much. Of course, it was Jinx, and she was following me this whole time I suppose.

A sense of panic shuddered down my spine as I realized that she could've seen me with an enforcer and mostly, the inventor himself. If she did I was fucked. Jinx would probably give me out to Silco or kill me at the spot, right here and right now.

Jinx twisted her mouth in a slight smirk, shaking her head from side to side at my figure on the cobblestones," you're so clumsy, silly", she reached her hand out to help me stand up.

Yet, I hesitated to grab it. I can't let myself feel the way I do near her, it will make me weak and she will only be a distraction.

The girl frowned, wiggling her hand softly, impatient for me to take it and accept her help. I just stood up myself, ignoring her hand and the scoff that left her delicate lips. Oh God, how I wished to get a small taste of them.

I began walking, not looking back at her and just hoping she will stay quiet the whole way back to her flat. Hearing her footsteps run up to me made my shoulder tense a bit, but I let the tension fall as she only glanced at me and then back to the streets.

Something ran through her mind when I peeked at her, I didn't exactly know what, joy? excitement? didn't matter, because she swung her head to me with a huge smile on her face and gripped my forearm tightly with one of her hands," I wanna show you something", Jinx didn't let me make up a response and dragged me with her.

It took us an hour to get on top of this building, the daylight was replaced by darkness and I panted hard, both of my hands on my knees for support, thinking of why the fuck I haven't smacked her with my bat, yet.

Jinx didn't even look fazed by the whole action we just did, letting me guess that she comes here often, possibly daily. I won't lie, I was relieved that she didn't say anything about Caitlyn or Jayce making me realize that perhaps she didn't follow me the whole day.

The crazy girl plopped down onto the metal edge, tangling her legs and starting at the city lights that shone in the darkness of midnight.
She patted the spot beside her, motioning for me to sit and I did hesitantly. A bit of communication wouldn't hurt, right?

"Why are we here?", I broke the silence that wasn't uncomfortable with her, it was the opposite, I could feel so comfortable with her being in it that I wouldn't mind falling asleep with Jinx right here.

Jinx smiled sadly, turning her head towards my figure and letting me notice her saddened eyes that stared into mine as if she was about to...


Why would she take me here if this place made her so sad that she would even cry, or was she just a weak person trying to let something out of her chest?

" I don't know. My ol' sister used to take me here to look at the stars", Jinx shrugged.

Her eyes fell from my confused ones into the distance again, with a small pout on her pretty lips she sighed and I couldn't stop myself from asking further as the curiousness rose inside of me," where's your sister now?", my voice came out dull, but inside I was hesitating to ask.

The tension in my shoulders pushed even harder now, afraid that I'll push the wrong buttons of her patience. As I thought she wouldn't respond, she spoke quietly," Silco told me that she's dead", one peek at me," but I don't believe him".

It was surprising that she even had a sister, to begin with, was Silco involved too? Was he really like a father to this crazy terrorist girl? How did her sister die?

Questions seemed to swallow me whole, forcing me to feel uncomfortable and anxious. Jinx wasn't right in the head, whatever happened to her in the past still haunts her, and I can see it in her sorrowful eyes. It made me pity her almost, I knew how she felt, but I couldn't comprehend the idea of losing more than one person.

I bit the inside of my cheek, thinking hard of how to cheer her up. To be honest with you, I wasn't the kindest person, in fact, I couldn't care less about people's shitty life and their traumas, but Jinx, she was different.

She made me feel something, she made me feel not alone and most of all she made me feel full, the emptiness no longer lingered in me once she was by my side.

My head lifted, watching the midnight sky full of stunning glowing stars, almost seeing the whole universe as I laid down onto the cold ground of the roof.

A small smile tugged onto my lips when Jinx did the same. The skin of our forearms touched forcing me to relax and forget all of my problems as I focused on the sky," my mom and I used to watch stars at midnight", my hands laid onto my stomach gently," we would trace them and tell each other what we got", a chuckle left my plump lips," shes dead now, but I like to imagine that she's somewhere out there".

One of my hands lifted, tracing the trail of stars with my index finger, as I did, Jinx shifted near me, placing her chin onto my shoulder, and silently watching as I traced a butterfly," do you miss her?", her warm breath hit my neck and I closed my eyes at the sensation.

"Every goddamn day", I managed to breathe out so quietly I'm not sure if she even heard my answer, "after my mother died, the world went quiet, because she was my world", my voice trembled a little bit and I fought with everything in my body to not let the tears escape my eyes.

" at least it went quiet", Jinx left a small peck onto the skin of my neck forcing me to shiver and suck in a sharp breath," my world's louder than bombs, Y/N", another wet kiss onto my shoulder as she tugged away the thin sleeve.

I didn't stop her, I couldn't, her kisses were the only thing keeping me from falling apart right now," I still hear the voices of her and my brothers, but-", she paused for a slight second but spoke again, quietly this time," he never shuts up".

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