21. The Last Warning

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A/N: hello angels✋😌 I decided to continue and eventually finish this ff because it has been bothering me for a while now. I hope all of you are doing okay and enjoy this short chapter ❤️😼

Y/Ns pov.

The lanes were darker and gloomier than usual today or perhaps it was just my mind that was filled with blue.

Not a lot was on my mind as I made my way through the busy streets of Zaun. Only the image of mom lingered there. The thought of her made me feel uneasy again. Would she want me to do this?

Now that I think about it, ready to do anything it will take to get the truth out of Marcus, maybe I never actually knew my own mother. What choice would she make? Would she even support this? After all, knowing what happened to her wouldn't bring her back.

My fists clenched tight in the pockets of my jacket, and I had a hood thrown over my head, to stay out of sight. My feet carried me as fast as they could, following the sheriff.

I had no plan and no idea what I will do once I catch up to the man. Im becoming more like Jinx, careless and aggressive. The girl has been stuck at her table the whole morning, working on her project, and constructing her gadgets. It was all just to make Silco proud.

Out of annoyance, I huffed, curling the side of my lip upward. I loathed that I wasn't Jinx's only priority, not even her first choice. It was Silco, he was her everything.

I halted in my tracks at the same time Marcus did. It didn't take long till he spun around. To my luck, I was just in time to hide behind a corner.

Not knowing for what reasons he stopped, chilled me a little and I leaned over, peeking through and watching him carefully. He just stood there, as if he was impatiently waiting for something or someone.

My heart seemed to drop to my toes when a hand gripped my shoulder. This time it wasn't a petite one, rather it was a huge strong hand, tightening its grip on me as the person dragged me by my neck, throwing me harshly onto the cobblestone a few feet away from the sheriff.

I grunted as my knees and palms hit the rocks beneath me. It was silent until someone showed up, no one other than Silco himself. He looked down at me, and I looked up at him, as usual, his both hands rested behind his back, showing me more than arrogance and confidence.

" And yet I thought you were smarter than that", he said, finally. Wakening the bitterness in my bones," did you think, Marcus, wouldn't inform me about you? How do you plan to destroy me?".

There wasn't even a second how I would be afraid, frightened by his appearance," there was no plan", I said, a bit ironically, wondering what kind of shit Marcus planted into Silcos head.

The man examined me with a haughty face, he didn't say anything before motioning hid two fingers to his men, who once again found their way behind my neck and lift me to my feet.

All I could think about was Jinx. If she knows, if she will know, what will she do about it, and did I lose her forever?

I was stupid enough to come here, right into this trap. I knew I was taking risks, but I wasn't thinking clearly.

Now I was eye to eye with Silco. Not for long as mine darted to the sound of steel blade whispering as Silco unsheathed his knife. And that's when my heart began beating faster, harder. The realization that I had no weapon on me hit and I panicked, shrugging against his henchman's hand to escape.

Fighting against his hold was no use, and it took a blink to feel a sharp stinging on my right cheekbone. I froze, my fingertips kept shaking as I looked down at my sleeve which had been stained with blood now.

Silco gripped my chin, making me face him. I was just a couple of inches shorter, leading me to stand up on my toes," let this be a warning," he hummed calmly, yet darkly," if any of my men ever see you on the lanes once more, they are allowed to do as they please".

I listened carefully, but I knew I won't obey his threats. Just then, when I thought he will leave me be, he lunged his blade into my side, missing all of the fetal organs. And I tripped as the man let me fall to my knees once again.

My hand flew to the wound, or more like to the knife, that I did not dare to pull out. A few deep breaths and I looked up, watching as the man turned his back on me and left.

The steel was still cutting up my insides while I tried to stand up, but the pain wasn't as bad, because all I could focus on was wondering why he didn't kill me right here and then.

I stood up, swaying to the sides and walking, as long as my feet could carry.

" Y/N?!", a familiar voice echoed through the area, and I hissed at the loud bang in my head. I was dizzy from all the blood loss and finally stopped.
Although my head appeared to be heavier, almost too heavy to carry, I still could make out Caitlyn's silhouette in front of me. She wasn't alone though. By her side a red-haired woman, looking confused with her bushy brows frowned.

"hi", I smiled at them, attempting to hide the pain on my face.

Caitlyn looked like she lost her voice for a brief moment. I didn't expect her to know what to do. I wasn't scared, not of pain, but more worried about the relationship I have with Jinx. There's no doubt that its all ruined now. Silco probably have told her and manipulated her into believing it all by now.

" what happened to you?", The girl's voice broke, her hands roaming in the air as she didn't know where to start, or what to do.

The red hair noticeably rolled her eyes with a groan, reaching out to me and placing my arm around her big shoulders," come on, we don't have all day, she will bleed out", she said impatiently and soon we were walking through the narrow streets of Piltover.

Louder than bombs, Jinx x oc fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now