8.Just having fun⚠

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Smut cuz Jesus told me to

Y/Ns pov.

"Y/N, are you sleeping?", Jinx's voice woke me before I could doze off completely, forcing me to huff quietly and shift on the floor that I was laying on with one sheet under me and one on top of me.

I groaned in response, annoyed that she didn't let me sleep," can you sleep with me?", her words were quiet, yet, made me flinch as inappropriate thoughts shot through my mind, but stopped as soon as I realized that she didn't mean it in that way.

A hum left my lips as I stood up, too tired and sleepy to reject her request. My figure plopped onto her bed that I was kind of happy to sleep on since the floor already made my back hurt, but confused about why she would want me to sleep next to her.

She brought her blanket on top of me caring that I won't freeze at night and pushing herself against my figure from behind, her hand sliding through my waist and locking onto my bare tummy.

My breath hitched at her actions, but I was too sleepy to think more about that and just went with it," Y/N don't sleep, I'm sad", she whispered boldly making me chuckle when Jinx acted childishly.

"I'm tired", I managed to blurt out into the soft cushion," and we have a lot of work to do tomorrow, you heard Sevika".

Jinx huffed out into my neck," I hate that ogre, don't you?", I could feel her frowning.

I shrugged careful not to hurt her," she just looks like a tough woman in a messed up city trying to do the best for her people".

"Bullshit", Jinx spat and I chuckled again.

" fine, I won't sleep", I gave up, but still closed my eyes waiting for her to start a random chat like she loves to do. Her random babbling never bothered me, in fact, I loved it because I could enjoy not being alone like I did for many years. And her voice was somehow just so soothing, not like other folks.

The girl that could make me crawl for her smiled into my skin, her pale face pressed against my back," let's say...", one manicured nail traced a circle on the side of my hip," you had to choose between a woman and a man", she paused for a second, perhaps hesitating to go further, I, on the other hand, frowned hard as the idea of what she's about to say crept into my mind," for sex", Jinx whispered the last part into my ear silly," Which one would you choose?".

A smirk pulled onto my face," that's easy, a woman". I never had an interest in dudes, when I used to live topside I had a tiny crush on Cait, when I got older it faded and I still, seem to be attracted to women, not a single dude has ever gotten my attention and I would be lying if I said that I don't feel grossed out by them.

One silly laugh from Jinx's lips and tension rose in my chest when one of her soft hands went to my lower stomach, stroking it gently. A few kisses onto the back of my neck and I shut my eyes tight," what are you doing, Jinx?", as hard as I wanted to push her hands off of me, I couldn't find the strength to.

The way her lips were so soft on my skin made me completely fall apart, wanting so much more than just kisses.

"Just having fun", she whispered into my ear seductively forcing shivers to run down my spine and something twisted inside my belly when her soft hands slid over my clothed core," don't you wanna have fun, Y/N?", I clenched around nothing at her words, bringing my thighs closer together and pushing her hand against my heat harder," I can make you feel so good", Jinx let out, more like a moan.

"I'll take it as a yes, toots", her dark chuckle sent a shiver down my spine," you gotta stay quiet though, Silco lives right above, we dont want him hearing you, now do we?", she bit my shoulder harshly making me yelp and I threw my palm onto my mouth in the speed of light to shut myself up.

Louder than bombs, Jinx x oc fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now