19. Sheriff

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A/N: Heyyyy angels, I apologize for not updating in weeks. I also wanted to tell y'all that I'm going to take a break from writing, I have no motivation and my mental health is fucked up. However  Gloomy_Phantom is a wonderful author and her one-shots are truly amazing! Y'all should check it out :))

Caitlyn's pov.

" I'm telling you, it's hers!" I raised my voice finally, pointing my hand at the dirty bat across the science lab.

Jayce took one long look at it once again while his figure leaned onto one of the lab's tables and he didn't bother to take it into his hands. A hum left his lips and I watched him closely with both of my brows frowning.

" you said you found it... Where?"

My eyes rolled at his question and I stood up from the chair I was sitting on," it was in the airship where the attack happened", one sight and I remember the images of the airship and when I quickly grabbed the bat before the sheriff could notice.

"Well... Perhaps she got a job?" Jayce shrugged and I scoffed with a shake of my head. I knew Y/N, she'd rather stab her both eyes with a fork than get a decent job, and besides the undercity has no normal businesses.

"You know well that she wouldn't get a job, besides why would she leave her bat?" I paused thinking deeply," do you think she might be the one to attack?"

"What? Cait, listen, there are thousands of bats just like hers", Jayce sauntered to me and held both sides of my shoulders, attempting to assure me," stop overthinking, she's fine. The Y/N I know wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. She's strong and brave".

A part of me wanted to believe and trust him, but I felt that something was wrong, I knew Y/N and I know what she used to like sketching. That little memory helped me to know that it was hers since her bat had tiny doodles of blue clouds right on the handle just the same as this one.

In a second I looked up at him," I need to question someone from the Stillwater prison".


Y/Ns pov.

Silco stood right beside me, both of his hands locked behind his back while he watched the workers of shimmer factory do their usual work. Some poured the hot pink liquid into wooden barrels, others mixed different kinds of fluids with metal pipes.

I cringed at the whole process, it was nasty and filthy. Yet, some of the time I found myself staring and wondering what it felt like to have it in your system. I failed to notice Silcos stare shift to me," it was designed to be a healing drug at first", he spoke as if reading my mind.

One of my brows rose and I couldn't help but ask him more about it," does it really save people?"

Silco finally turned to me with his whole body, his one hand still resting on the railings," sometimes"

I folded my arms not satisfied with his answer," can it change the consumer?".

The man only looked at me in disbelief and started to walk away, his hand gesturing for me to follow," it can"

His answer was not enough for me," like what?", even if I was bothering him I didn't care, with Jinx on my side he had no choice but to keep me as his henchman. Although Jinx wasn't here since Silco wanted only for me to accompany him to the factory while he ordered Jinx to stay in her workshop and work on her gadgets.

Even his footsteps and the way of walking seemed refined making me wonder about his past," temporary changes in eye color, veins might appear darker and if overused they might become permanent"

"Is it dangerous to overuse them?", I examined the pink fluid in front of me now and I could feel his eyes on my back.

" why? Do you wish to try it?", His voice got deeper in a blink of an eye sending shivers down my spine. I shook my head gently, finally getting myself together and changing the theme.

"How did you know what I was thinking about?", a tiny smile on my face as I attempted to look innocent

"I'm good at reading people", he scoffed, a spark of disgust exploded onto his face at my attempt to get to him.

I noticed it and dropped the act immediately
"And good at manipulating them too?

A dark chuckle left his lips and it made my stomach curl up in disgust," I don't manipulate anyone"

Today I felt confident and tried to push his buttons and my luck to the limit, "What about Jinx?".

It was surprising that I didn't feel any fear while talking to him or even trying to push his buttons. I used to be afraid and frightened by him. Yet, I realized that he's just another human being, just the same as me or Jinx. I haven't heard his whole story and I shall not judge. But I hated the way he treated Jinx. As if she was his little toy.

There was silence around us, only our eyes staring into each other intensively almost as if we were trying to win a staring contest. I could feel the tension between us.

To my luck, Sevika showed up behind me. A cigarette in between her lips as always," the sheriff wants to see you", she spoke with Silco, glancing at me only once.

He was the one to break eye contact, pulling his hands behind his back and nodding his head.


I blew out the smoke softly, a cigarette that I stole from Sevika rested in between my fingers as I tapped it gently.

More than an hour passed and I was leaning against the wall outside Silcos office. I haven't seen the sheriff yet, but I wasn't curious about him, only annoyed that I was left here alone while they talked about business. I can't lie, I'd love to hear what the business was. My heart told me to sneak in yet my mind told me to stay right here and listen to Silcos orders.

I hated this feeling, the way I listened to him like a mouse. I haven't done anything to find information about my mother and that was bugging me also.

Before I could feel it my feet started quietly tapping the floor out of stress. I bit my bottom lip thinking hard, wishing the information would just come flying at me. I wasn't only nervous, I was pissed. Especially because I lost my bat somewhere, probably it's laying on the airship. There was no use in going to search for it, the enforcers must have found it by now.

The door opened angrily, and I knew it wasn't Silco or Sevika. It must be the sheriff. I stayed in my place only waiting for him to leave, kinda pissed because I felt his eyes on me.

A strange feeling curled up inside my chest, and I caught his eyes with mine. Memories and flashbacks came flying at me. I was lucky today, yet I felt betrayed. It was the enforcer who used to work with my mother. And now he is the one who's betraying Piltover. My eyes went wide and I automatically reached for the blade in my sheath, pulling it out faster than he could process everything.

It was pure rage boiling inside that made me lunge at him. His back hit the wall and I didn't let him move," what did you do to my mother?!", my voice was trembling, not in fear, but anger.

The sheriff looked surprised, his hands lifted in the air for surrender. I knew he was too arrogant, he thought of me as a little girl without strength," she dug her own grave", he whispered.

Before I could slit his neck and stab him countless times, the door opened once again, this time revealing Sevika," what the fuck Y/N, get off him", her hands gripped my shoulders and pulled me away. I didn't try to fight her, I knew I can find him whenever I want to.

"What's all this about?", Sevikas push made me stumble a little.

" not your goddamned business" I spat out, aggressively placing my blade back into the sheath. She only stood there huffing and shaking her head in disappointment. I decided not to stay here any longer and began making my way towards the staircase.

"This is not over, Sheriff"

Louder than bombs, Jinx x oc fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now