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You were on a run with Jayden. He was shirtless and lets just say, he was smoking hot. You slowed down to catch your breath because it started to hurt to breathe. You stopped and leaned over. Jayden stopped with you to make sure you were okay. 

“Hey you okay?”

“Yea im fine, it just started to hurt to breathe.”

“Okay, let's take a seat and wait a while.”

You nodded your head and walked with Jayden to a close by bench. You guys arrived at the bench and sat down.

“Can you go get me some water please.” you asked.

“Of course I can, I'll always look out for you.”

He gave you a kiss on your temple and walked to the grocery store right across the street. You closed your eyes and took in deep breaths. You opened your eyes and saw a monster. Before you could do anything, the monster knocked you out. The monster picked you up and took you to a secret location. 


Y/N asked me to go get her some water because it hurt to breathe. I of course got her some. I went across the street and got her a bottle of water. I paid and went back to the bench she was at. When I turned the corner to where the bench was at, she was gone and nowhere to be seen. The only thing there was her phone and earbuds. I picked it up and ran to the house. I arrived and asked everyone…

“Has anyone seen Y/N? She disappeared from our run.”

“No we haven't, she didn't come back to the house.” said Mike

“Well then we got a pig problem.”

“What?” said Kevin.

“Y/N has been kidnapped and the only thing where she disappeared was her phone.”

Just then the monster alarm went off.

“Let's go.” Jayden said after putting your phone down.

They all ran off to find and fight this monster.


You woke not knowing where you were. You look around and see that you are tied to a tree. You tried to get out before you heard a voice.

“I wouldn't do that if I were you.”

You turned your head and saw a monster. 

“Please let me go, I won't say anything.” you said.

“Haha, not a chance. I know your dating the red ranger and I want to use you as bait to bring him out.” said the monster

“And it worked you filthy rat.” said a voice you recognize.

The monster turned around and saw everyone standing there.

“Well, Well, Well, look who decided to show up to save their girlfriend,” said their monster.

“Let her go or things will start to get ugly.”

“Not a chance.”

“Oh well. Rangers attack.” yelled Jayden.

The monster ran to everyone and started to fight them. By the looks of it, the rangers were winning. 

“Final Strike!” yelled Jayden.

The monster exploded and to never be seen again. The others ran over to you. Jayden got a knife and cut the ropes. After the ropes were off of you, you leapt up and gave Jayden a big hug and started to cry.

“Don't cry princess, you're safe now.”

You held Jayden tighter. You didn't know what was going to happen and prayed that the others would come and rescue you, and they did. You were happy that the others came and saved you. You and the others left the woods and went back to the house. You ended up spending the night with Jayden to be safe. 

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