Bloody Nose

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You were outside training like regularly. Today for training, you had to have a different partner. You normally go with Jayden but Mentor Ji said that for today, go with someone different. You decided to be with Kevin. You and him were practicing together. You and him were practicing with some wood swords. You saw him swing at your face. You didn't have time to react before his sword hit you right in the nose. You put your hands up to your nose.  After Kevin realized he hit you in the face with his sword, he threw it down and put his hands on your shoulders. 

“Y/N, i am so sorry.”

“What's going on?” asked Mia.

“I accidentally hit Y/N in the face with my sword.”

“Y/N, you okay?” asked Mia.

You shook your head no.

“Jayden come here.” yelled Mia.

Jayden came rushing over when he saw you hunching over holding your nose. When he got to you and turned you to where you were facing him.

“Y/N, can I take a look?” asked Jayden.

You nodded your head yes. Jayden put his hand on your hands that were covering your nose. He removed your hands slowly and saw a bunch of blood. He took his hand and put his finger under your nose to try and stop the bleeding.

“Y/N, again, i'm really sorry.” said Kevin.

“It's okay.” you said very quietly. 

Jayden put his hand behind your back and led you inside to the bathroom. When you got to the bathroom, Jayden picked you up and set you on the counter. He washed his hands off to get the blood off so he could clean your face. He grabbed a washcloth from the cabinet and put it under some cold water. After the rag was wet, he washed off the blood stain on your face. 

“It's okay princess, everything will be okay.”

You nodded your head and put your hands on Jayden’s stomach feeling his hard abs. You ran your fingers up and down his chest. 

“Okay babe, you're all done.”

He grabbed your hands and gave you a kiss on your forehead. You got off the counter and went to find Kevin. After a while you found him in the kitchen.

“Hey Y/N.”

“Hey Kevin.”

“Look Y/N, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to hit you.”

“Kevin, it's okay. I'm all better.”

“No it's not okay, i gave you a bloody nose and i hur-”

Kevin was cut off by you giving him a hug. 

“Kevin, it's okay, I'm okay, everything is going to be okay. Trust me.”

“Okay. Again I'm really sorry.”

“Kevin, look at me. It was an accident, accidents happen, Jayden stopped my bloody nose and I'm all better. I will not be mad at you, okay. Everything is going to be okay.”

“Okay, you're the best Y/N.”

You and Kevin then hugged it out and went your separate ways for the rest of the day.

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