Turned Evil

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Everyone was chilling in the living room when all of a sudden the monster alarm went off. Everyone got up and ran to go defeat the monster.

*Time Skip*

The monster blasted everyone but you. You were scared because you didn't know what the monster was gonna do. You stood still and stared at him. He stared back.

"Evil attack!" yelled the monster.

You couldn't move in time before the attack hit you. You could feel your body changing. The monster ended the attack and could see his plan worked. He started his evil laugh.

"Y/N NO!" yelled Jayden.

You didn't listen to him and walked towards the monster. You then demorphed out of your uniform. Everyone saw that your eyes were red. Not your normal eye color. Jayden stood up and walked towards you. When Jayden got close enough you grabbed his arm and flipped him onto the ground. He groaned while you laughed at him.

"Y/N, this isn't you. Some where deep inside is the person I love and want to marry. I want to see your beautiful eye color again and your beautiful smile. Please Y/N, come back to us." said Jayden.

Before you could attack him again, your body started to wiggle. You could feel the evil leaving you. As soon as the evil left you, you fell down to the ground.

"No my minion!" yelled the monster.

"Shows over, see you never." said Jayden.

He then blasted the monster to defeat. The monster disappeared once and for all. Jayden came over to you to help you up. When he got to you, he grabbed your hand and helped you up.

"We are so glad your not evil. We don't know what we would have done with you being evil. And with someone being so nice, cute, and adorable, evil could never take over you." said Jayden.

You smiled at the cute thing he said. You smiled at the other. You wrapped your arm around Jayden. He wrapped his arm around you. You and everyone walked back to the house safe and sound.

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